ZEIT is now Vercel

“Announcing our new brand identity and $21M Series A funding.” - Vercel blog https://vercel.com/blog/zeit-is-now-vercel

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Not sure why this is interesting here. Or why we should care about your brand identity and millions.
It’s not possible to run Meteor on ZEIT since 2.0, when it went serverless.


congrats @martineboh i’m sure its an exciting time for everyone involved :slight_smile:


Vercel will take some getting used to, but looks good!


Next/now is great, but I’ll never be able to overcome the inability to run things on the server. Almost everything I make as some sort of scheduled task or process that runs in the background.

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@martineboh hey i got early access to this book https://www.manning.com/books/svelte-and-sapper-in-action and they reference ZEIT in chapter 13 … you might want to reach out to the author and let them know to update the text to use your new company name. I have a feeling that book will be popular because its the first book on a popular topic

DISCLAIMER: I currently do not work for Vercel. Just felt I should share the good news…that’s all.


ohh,. i thought you worked there haha

Interesting… another JAMStack / Static Site hosting provider, that’s where the current hype cycle is, no doubt. This is Netlify territory. It’s like Github Pages + a CDN + AWS lambda.

Meteor used to be one of the easiest/fastest ways to deploy a static site with Galaxy on the market, and it still is, but this was not really what Meteor was built for. It’s just a side use-case for Meteor.

This JAMStack hype seems to be a reason why new front-end developers don’t realize the need for a “full-stack” like Meteor. The JAMStack have a place in the market, but it just feels like the next WordPress, not really a revolution. I’m sure AWS, Digital Ocean, Azure, and Google will eventually have JAMStack push buttons solutions so, it seems risky to overbuild for APIs on a backend that are locked into one provider.

Backendless” is also the marketing term? They have even been trying to get rid of the “Full-Stack” developer title with this whole trend… because how could you need a “Full-Stack” dev when there is only a front-end… haha :joy: Having no real backend is a MAJOR limitation in real app development. And it sucks to build an app with 100% REST APIs or GraphQL APIs, this is why Meteor is such a productive app development platform.

Meteor was just about 1 decade early in the market, everyone will try the JAMStack toy and then say, we really need a “full-stack” that is tightly integrated, almost like a single OS for JS app development. Then maybe we’ll see a “Meteor Re-Discovery” :comet:

This make me think of when Facebook shut down Parse (“Backend-as-a-Service”), I was very excited about Parse early on but never ended up implementing a project with it. I found Meteor instead. About a year later it was announced that they were shutting Parse down and it caused a lot of devs major headaches. Yikes, that is lock in to non open source. And now I just noticed the Parse founder is in a investor in Zeit/Vercel, sounds about right.

Are devs out in the world afraid of a full-stack? You own database, your own server, and have no limitations?

I’ll take a full-stack over an “empty-stack” (aka JAMStack) any day :sunglasses:

My joy of the day was seeing that a 12 year old was able to build a Meteor app & business and now at 14 authored his 1st, super impressive package for Meteor to implement multi-factor authentication with the accounts-base package. The Meteor Core team had 2FA on their to-do list, but they just got schooled.

Go star :star: his MFA package if you get a chance, he is on Slack too so give him a thumbs up :+1:


There are business, where serverless is a definite exclusion criteria. If your product can not be 100% hosted on-premise, then they are not interested.

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Well said @mullojo.

However, I personally think Meteor is compatible with JAMStack, we’ve several PWAs deployed on CDN and communicating via SimpleDDP with Meteor backend (we prefer it’s simplicity and speed over other protocols). Perhaps I can release a boilerplate for that.

I think the hype that is working against Meteor (and other frameworks such as RoR etc) is the serverless hype. Serverless is trying to eliminate the server by outsourcing and abstracting it as a set of functions or APIs and as @jkuester mentioned for many kinds of businesses and applications this is not even a starter, perhaps it can work for simple consumer-based CRUD apps, also we prefer open source and no vendor lock-in, I personally had several pain points with Google App Engine a decade ago and prefer to keep the server within.

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by the way, you can perfectly use nextjs as fullstack framework as well. it can even compile to “serverless” (lambda / cloud-functions).

we currently combine next with nexus/prisma, which adds a very nice data-layer to it