I have a collection called recipients, and I want to update a document in the collection with more information.
I do the following
export const Recipients = new Mongo.Collection('recipients');
Recipients.update(recipients._id: recipientsId {$set { gifts: { blah blah blah }});
I get recipientsId from a call back after an earlier insert into the collection.
I get an error that says ‘Unexpected type cast’ for the Recipients.update line.
What am I doing wrong here?
You have an error in the type of arguments you provide as your selector, it should be an object, here’s the correct form:
Recipients.update({recipients._id: recipientsId}, {$set { gifts: { blah blah blah }});
@serkandurusoy Thanks so much.
I actually got it to work by doing this:
Recipients.update(recipientsId, {$set { gifts: { blah blah blah }});
is there any advantage or disadvantage to doing it this way?
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That’s right, I typed way too fast. So, to sum it up, both are correct:
Recipients.update({_id: recipientsId}, {$set { gifts: { blah blah blah }});
Recipients.update(recipientsId, {$set { gifts: { blah blah blah }});
Because the mongodb selector format that’s allowed is either an object or a string, where, if it is a string, it is assumed to be the _id
Awesome! I appreciate it.
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