Alternative package for:"yogiben: notifications", and "telescope: notifications"

Hey. Seeking an alternative package for packages:

1.yogiben: notifications
During the Installation of the package for version 1.2.1, is replaced Meteor error:
"While Selecting package versions:
error: No version of less satisfies all constraints: @ 1.0.11, @ = 2.5.1
Constraints on package “less”:
* Less@1.0.11 <- top level
* Less@=2.5.1 <- top level "

2.telescope: notifications
During the Installation of the package for version 1.2.1, is replaced Meteor error:
"W20160121-13: 43: 53.585 (0) (stderr) ReferenceError: Users is not defined
W20160121-13: 43: 53.586 (0)? (Stderr) at lib / settings.js: 509: 13
W20160121-13: 43: 53.586 (0)? (Stderr) at /vagrant/meteor/.meteor/local/build/programs/server/boot.js:249:5 "

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Thanks for the help but I have a question (maybe a little bit silly) on the said package.
From what I read and packages “yogiben: notifications” and “telescope: notifications” allow you to send to all users by notification of the new article that was published on the website as well as new comments to the article.


Is package “juliancwirko: s-alert” also has such features.

ohh, you mean ready to use notification like on Facebook? No, these are just configurable alerts on demand in any place in your app. I thought that this is the same as two mentioned packages, but apparently not, sorry :wink:

Thank you for your answer

@samurajjack have you solved it mate ?

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So far I have not found a solution

@samurajjack I solved this using erasour notification badge along with a simple jquery dropdown inside a autorun. got help from serkan for it . will post the solution tomorrow. on a tab now

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Here it is, courtesy of @serkandurusoy

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Cool. Thanks for taking your time and help