An "I'm still here" post

I’ve edited this post, because I got carried away with the negative vibe. This is a good vibe thread. And for taking part in derailing, I apologize. Really, the original post had nothing, nothing new under the horizon.

I appreciate the detailed rundown of events from your perspective. What I don’t often see is an analysis of all of the other possible actions that could have been taken and an explanation of those outcomes.

I couldn’t agree more that better communication and openness to community involvement are the main problems, and those are the things on which we have been focusing the most.

However, given that they were poorly communicated, I completely stand by the technical decisions and tradeoffs made by the core maintainers, and I believe they have resulted in positive changes on a technical level that let people build better, faster, more reliable, and more maintainable apps than was ever before possible with Meteor.

If you think that the developments in Meteor in the last year were all bad, then perhaps it’s fair to say that you should try a different framework that more closely aligns with your vision. There is a demonstrably large, and perhaps less vocal, group of people who think that moving to more standard JavaScript tools, even at some large costs, has been a worthwhile investment for the platform and their apps.


This is because they no longer felt safe with Meteor.

My suspicion is, the reason we do not hear much about scaling issues with Meteor is because people who need scale either switched off Meteor or would never use it. I suspect if Meteor could provide great assurances around scale and maintainability, it could win a bigger audience.

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My point is that we learned that these people didn’t feel safe before all of these changes, and that is why we made them.

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Anyway. Back to the positivity* …

I’m still here too, after 3.5 years. And about to start another large project, for which I’ll be using Meteor (or it’ll just never happen).

* I was really enjoying the positive vibe on this thread because, after a year or so of uncertainty, I’m starting to feel genuinely hopeful about the future of the Meteor platform again. At times I forget all the amazing things Meteor has already put at our fingertips but then, when I consider moving to a different stack and what that would actually entail, it’s pretty clear which side my bread is buttered.


I was going to respond, but indeed, back to the positivity.

I am still here. I still use Meteor. And to get everything in good perspective…

And the only thing I hope is never to wake up one day and discovering my —> favorite tool <— died.


Bingo! This is all coming from affection for our favorite tool. I’m as into Meteor today as ever, and am very excited to launch more applications using it.


I’m returning here! Took some time off Meteor to learn other things and I’m back.

I still love Meteor for the ease of getting things set up and working, currently working on an EVE Online application built on Meteor / React / Apollo and it’s going great. (though Apollo is taking a while to get my head around. I’m getting there!)

To answer some of the negativity here though… Meteor, like many frameworks and languages, is a tool. You use the best tool for the job, right? Sometimes old-fashioned PHP is the way to go for some things but for quickly getting a node app together with user accounts, real-time data and all the other gubbins Meteor provides… there’s nothing else that really comes close. At least in my opinion.

I think MDG have done a great job and I actually look forward to some of the things they have planned on their roadmap.


I love Meteor, with it in the last 2 years as a solo developer/devops I have completely replaced a legacy travel reservation system handling thousands of passengers a month, plus internal chat, time clock, ecomerce sales and inventory, revenue reports and analytics of every kind, surveys, newsletters with Mailgun, customer interaction, texting. etc, etc… all the while our company is growing month over month. I could not have done it without Meteor and all the great community packages.


I am still Here too!


Even though I’ve had some flack from opinionated members of this forum, I love meteor and will stick with it. Here’s to the future :beers:


I’m new to both Meteor and development in general. After tons of research on all the different frameworks and libraries, I finally decided on Meteor and later using Meteor with React. I’ve been at this since May and when I take a step back and look at what I’m able to create, I honestly find it difficult to believe. If I had to start off learning Express, React, Grunt, Gulp, Minimongo, SocketIO, Node, Underscore, Bower and every other little piece that we call “modern web development”, I may very well have thrown my hands up and resigned in frustration.

I’m here and will still be here next year!


Meteor will never fade away (I hope!)

Thanks for sharing both your concerns and positive experiences with Meteor in this thread. We appreciate both forms of feedback. In an effort to make this forum a better resource for the community, we will be closing threads that aren’t focused around a particular technical discussion or question, or around a particular community initiative. Please keep this in mind going forward!