I’m currently checking out what parts of my app can already be “asynchronized”. I came across the functions a la Accounts.urls.enrollAccount
, Accounts.urls.verifyEmail
and Accounts.urls.resetPassword
I customized those with (sync) functions in which I fetch stuff from the users collection.
If I now exchange those db requests to their async versions, I obviously need to make that function async aswell. But of course now a Promise is returned instead of the desired string, so I guess there should be something like Accounts.urls.enrollAccountAsync
or so…
Accounts.urls.enrollAccount = async function enroll(token) {
const tokenUser = await Meteor.users.findOneAsync({
"services.password.enroll.token": token,
// get some other stuff like the users tenancyId or something else
return Meteor.absoluteUrl(
"enroll-user/" +
token + "/tenancyId/" + tenancyId)
Is this already there or planned?