So in a method call, I’ve got this code:
if newUserId # successfully made new user
Accounts.sendVerificationEmail newUserId
return { success: true }
throw new Meteor.Error 'user-exists', 'User already exists.'
And back in the script that calls the method: 'createSeller', newUser, (error, result) ->
Session.set 'creatingUser', false
console.dir error
I would expect it to dump out the error object and show its properties and values, but instead it just dumps out the following:
Error: Username already exists. [403]
Stack trace:
I don’t get it. Why is it dumping all this out? typeof error
returns “object.” Then why do console.dir
and console.log
not show it as it shows most objects? e.g.:
Object { name: "Bob", age: 48 }
This error might be coming from sendVerificationEmail
call. try reseting your app with meteor reset
on the shell. and try again.
might not send an email if the user already exists.
Hmm, now I get this:
"Exception in delivering result of invoking ‘createSeller’: [“submit form”]/</<@http://localhost:3000/client/templates/seller/
That error doesn’t tell me much, unfortunately. Could use a little more detail.
you must be doing something else in the method before if(newUserId)
that is causing that exception
Full method:
createSeller: (userData) ->
check userData,
username: String
email: String
password: String
profile: Match.Optional Match.ObjectIncluding({accountType: String})
newUserId = Accounts.createUser
username: userData.username
password: userData.password
accountType: 'seller'
if newUserId # successfully made new user
Accounts.sendVerificationEmail newUserId
return { success: true }
throw new Meteor.Error 'user-exists', 'User already exists.'
Okay @Murwade, I figured out where the problem is but don’t know why. Any error I throw after the Accounts.createUser
call returns a 403, no matter what error I want to throw.
That’s because you already have an error thown from within Accunts.createUser
before your if
control runs.
What you should do is:
- if you are calling
from the client, use its callback to get the error object
- if you are on the server, then use either
or Accounts.onCreateUser
the latter which provides a good set of tools
These options are good for checking/manipulating the user object before its creation.
To do further tasks after the creation, you can use one of:
Or craft it manually using one of these patterns:
This one taken from
Meteor.users.find({ initialized: { $exists: false } }, { fields: { _id: 1 } }).observe({
added: function (user) {
// insert default user docs here if not already present
Meteor.users.update(user._id, { $set: {initialized: true} });
or this one using the undocumented Meteor.users._makeNewID()
// Hack to create user id so that we can initialize is counts.
user._id = Meteor.users._makeNewID();
// do something with this userId
return user;