Code editor of choice?

I planed to try WebStorm on Mac (Yosemite) after seeing many people mentioned. It requires the legacy Java SE6 runtime…

Vim with plugins makes everything oh so nice.



[hunches shoulders and covers back of head with arms]


I’m thinking of moving from Frontpage, I’m prob upgrading to DreamWeaver then :stuck_out_tongue:

I also use Webstorm, 9.0.3 at the moment… waiting for a clear day to go to 10

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@garilla Hahaha …

I have nothing to say in my own defence.

Ouch! This is a discussion wihout any clear winner. But I think I can safely assert this:

  • if you just need some text editor
    • if you are a fan of the terminal
      • vim
      • emacs
    • else if you like your visual and mouse tools
      • atom
      • sublime text
    • if you also want some meteor specific code assistane for any of the above
      • tern-meteor from Slava Kim
    • if you want to spice up your editor with some common text editing / programming tasks
      • lots of plugins for all choices above, but programming relatied plugins / aids are sometimes worse to have since they tend to creep up with nasty behaviour
  • if you need ide assistance
    • if you need general purpose javascript/node/html/css assistance
      • netbeans
      • eclipse
    • if you need serious meteor support, debugging, profiling, jumping between files intelligently etc
      • webstorm (yes it has some rough edges, but really helps develop faster)

Of course this is all assuming you are developing on your local development machine. Developing through ssh obviously reqiures vim/emacs/nano/pico and there are options like, cloud9ide and koding for developing online within a browser window.

I you haven’t already figured it out, my preference is with webstorm. Over the past two years, I’ve experiented with all of the above for meteor development. (previously I used to develop on netbeans exclusively for javaee). And by that experienece, I’ve come to terms with having to choose webstorm over fancy-vim-fu because webstorm really goes to great lengths to give you a chance to concentrate on the architectural quality of your code, rather than its semantics and syntax.

If you are only moderately litterate on meteor, than perhaps it would be better to use a text editor so that you don’t lazily rely on the ide, but get to actually type some code and work your meteor knowledge into intuition.

If you are just beginning, or are experienced with meteor, you should definitely go with webstorm unless you can actually think and type faster than the ide can help you.


WebStorm - other features we like and use here are Git integration and grunt tasks. I know others have similar, but being able to hit save and get your unit tests to run as a grunt tasks invisibly is cool…

(I’m on Windows by the way.) It only works in Chrome at the moment but they have a fix for Firefox coming. And it does what a debugger should do. Having said that, the only way I’ve been able to get the debugger to dissociate with the current debugging session is to restart WebStorm.

It tooks a while for me to understand the meaning of needsmorechars.


BTW: I use Sublime Text 3.
Use Atom sometimes back. It was kind a slow back then compared with ST.
Don’t know how it’s back end.

I usually don’t write code a lot. I even use 2-4 fingers for the typing. But, I think a lot.
So, ST is just fine for me.

But, for a person who build apps I can think of the reason to use WebStorm.


Good summary! I didn’t know about tern-meteor, which will be a cool addition to vim for me.

I mostly choose that over something like webstorm because the cost is right (I know $50 isn’t that much but still)… But from the looks of webstorm, it looks really nice!

Sublime Text 3. I spent a week with Atom and was impressed, but it is a hair slow in comparison to ST. That said, I plan to try it again in 6-9 mos. to see if the speed issue is improved and/or outweighed by the rapid community work happening on it. Never tried WebStorm but may take a look based on this thread.

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I’ve used Atom but like Webstorm more. Definitely worth the $50.

Another vote for Webstorm.

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I had issues getting Webstorm to work in a project that was already using Coffeescript and Meteor. The whole magical jump to Template thing didn’t work for me at all. The browser plugin for debugging seemed neat.

I’m still using Sublime Text 3 for now.

I’m surprised to hear you use a text editor Arunoda, I was under the impression that had mastered the force and you were willing your code into existence :sunglasses:


I think I might be! One of the interns last summer used it as well.

Everyone else is just too cool for Sublime I guess.


Sublime Text Editor 3 - This is my go to. It’s fast and I like launching subl. I’ve installed package manager and Slava’s meteor support. I wish meteor would have more support though. eg) Termnal and debugger.

Atom’s Meteor Support is good. I’m starting to use Atom more. As others have reported, it takes way to long for it to load. This is true of Ubuntu and Windows OS.

WebStorm debugger works well, but slows down Google Chrome. The addon and WebStorm seemed so clunky on my Arch. What are your results?

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Webstorm and VIM depending on whether I’m gonna focus on a project or just hack a file quickly. I also like ST, but usually end up using VIM since I already have a terminal open.

Has anyone tried Light Table?? I remember seeing it on Kickstarter a long time ago.
No one has mentioned it so I take it that it’s not really anywhere near as good as WebStorm.