Could I show loading for waiting form "validated-method" return data?

I would like to show loading for waiting from method return data like this

// Common
orderReportMethod = new ValidatedMethod({
    name: 'orderReportMethod',
    validate: new SimpleSchema({
        branch: {type: [String]}
    run({branch}) {
        if (!this.isSimulation) {
            console.log('server run');

            const selector = {
                branchId: {$in: branch}
            let data = Order.find(selector);

            return data.fetch();

// ----------------------------------
<template name="myTpl">
    {{#if data}}
            {{#each obj in data}}
        {{> loading}}

// ----------------------------------
	this.reportCollection = Mongo.Collection(mull);

        const instance = Template.instance();
        let collection = instance.reportCollection;

        // Call the Method{
            branch: ['001'],
        }, (err, res) => {
            if (err) {
            } else {
                // Remove before insert

                res.forEach((doc)=> {

        return collection.find();

Please help me.

Maybe you should do the call promise so that it will allow you to do something when the result returns. See There is a call promise package extension noted in the Community Mixins section.

So before the method start the loader. Then after you get the result in the .then stop the loader.

Thanks for your reply.
So I could use didericis:callpromise-mixin, but I don’t understand how to use.
Could example for me?

//make your loading element in your loading template visible maybe with jquery
    val: 'hi'
    //result comes in here; so hide the loading element here

So I could return the value on client

    let result = orderReportMethod.callPromise({
        val: 'hi'
        // set state for loading = false
        return result;

   return result;

The result will only come in the .then clause.

I try use local collection

genTpl.onCreated(function () {
    this.reportCollection = new Mongo.Collection(null);
    this.state('loadingData', false);

            const instance = Template.instance();
            let collection = instance.reportCollection;

            instance.state('loadingData', true);
                 branch: {type: [String]}
            }).then(function (result) {
                // Remove before insert

                result.forEach((doc)=> {
                instance.state('loadingData', false);
            }).catch(function (err) {
            let getData = collection.find();


            return getData;
        <template name="genTpl">
        {{#if loadingData}}
            {{> loading}}
                {{#each obj in data}}
                    <li>{{obj._id}} | {{}}</li>

But still don’t work.

Not sure what you are trying to do. But from your code it does look like you don’t need to call a method. The call promise will let you do something at return of the result from the method. But looks like you only need to publish and subscribe & show 'Loading…" while your data is fetched from the server.

if (Meteor.isClient) {
     Template.genTpl.onCreated(function () {
        var self = this;
        self.autorun(function() {

        data: function () {
           let branch = ['001'];
           let showOrders = Orders.find({branchId: {$in: branch}}).fetch();
           return showOrders; 

let Orders = new Mongo.Collection("orders");

if (Meteor.isServer) {
  Meteor.startup(function () {
    if (Orders.find().count() === 0) {
      Orders.insert({total:'001', branchId:'001'});
      Orders.insert({total:'002', branchId:'002'});
      Orders.insert({total:'003', branchId:'003'});
      Orders.insert({total:'004', branchId:'004'});
 Meteor.publish("orders", function () {
    return Orders.find();

  <h1>Show Orders</h1>
  {{> genTpl}}

<template name="loading">

<template name="genTpl">
  {{#if Template.subscriptionsReady}}
     {{#each obj in data}}
        <li>{{obj._id}} | {{}} | {{obj.branchId}}</li>
     {{ > loading}}

Thanks again for your helping.
I understand about use pub/sub.
But my case is report generation, so I do anything with multiple collection and then pass it to array of object and return to client. So I can’t use pub/sub.
Have any solution for waiting this?

Do you have the code, method, and client collection all working without showing the loader?