Creating a user using autoform

I want to create a couple of users quickly and i figured autoform would be of help.

This is my schema

Schema = {};

Schema.UserProfile = new SimpleSchema({
    schoolname: {
    label: "School Name",
    optional: false,
        type: String
    schooldescription: {
        label: "School Description",
    optional: false,
        type: String
    schoollocation: {
        label: "School Location",
    optional: false,
        type: String
    schoollogo : {
        label: "School Logo",
    optional: false,
        type: String
    schooltelephonenumber: {
        label: "School Telephone Number",
    optional: false,
        type: String

Schema.User = new SimpleSchema({
    email: {
        type: String,
        // For accounts-password, either emails or username is required, but not both. It is OK to make this
        // optional here because the accounts-password package does its own validation.
        // Third-party login packages may not require either. Adjust this schema as necessary for your usage.
        regEx: SimpleSchema.RegEx.Email
    password: {
        type: String,

    createdAt: {
        type: Date
    profile: {
        type: Schema.UserProfile,
        optional: true


In my html i have this

{{ #autoForm schema="Schema.User" id="usercreation" collection ="Meteor.users" type="method" meteormethod="usercreation" }}
                                      <legend>Create an account</legend>
                                      {{> afQuickField name='email' label='Email' }}
                                      {{> afQuickField name='password' label='Password'  }}
                                      {{> afQuickField name='schoolname' label='School Name' }}
                                      {{> afQuickField name='schooldescription' label='School Description' }}
                                      {{> afQuickField name='schoollocation' label='School Location' }}
                                      {{> afQuickField name='schoollogo' label='School Logo' }}
                                      {{> afQuickField name='schooltelephonenumber' label='School Telephone Number' }}
                                    <input type="submit">
                                  {{ /autoForm }}

This is my method

   'usercreation': function(params){
       password: params.password,
       profile: {
          schoolname: params.schoolname,
          schooldescription: params.schooldescription,
          schoollocation: params.schoollocation,
          schoollogo: params.schoollogo,
          schooltelephonenumber: params.schooltelephonenumber

The form displayed only shows email and password and not other fields of the form. The code does not create a user too.

Your code sample is for an “update” form. Take a look at this video (approx 20mins in) for some discussion and code samples around using autoform to update a user profile.

For “creating” a new user, though, you should use a “method” form type. where your method takes in the provided doc to pass into Accounts.createUser()

I updated the type to insert. Do you have the code hosted somewhere?. The video quality is poor and i cant seem to view anything you guys are writing.

I said you should use the “method” type, not “insert”.

Code is visible on the video if you watch carefully.

I have updated the code to include the method,but still i cannot insert.