"Error : no such template : autoform"

Hello oldies and newbies !

I met a problem with autoform. On the browser console, I have the message “Error : no such template : autoform” when rendering a template with a custom autoform.

The problem seem to come from autoform because when I comment the autoform box, the template renders.

Here is the template :

template name=“becomeMember”
{{> nav1}}

{{#if currentUser}}

Vous êtes déjà connecté.


Devenir membre

  	{{#autoform schema=becomeMemberForm id="becomeMemberForm" type="method" meteormethod="registerMember"}}
  			{{>afQuickField name="firstname"}}
  			{{>afQuickField name="lastname"}}
  			{{>afQuickField name="gender" type="select-radio-inline" options=sexChoices}}
  			{{>afQuickField name="email"}}
  			{{>afQuickField name="password" type="password"}}
  			{{>afQuickField name="birthday"}}
  			{{>afQuickField name="phone"}}
  			{{>afQuickField name="adress"}}
  		<button type="submit" class="btn btn-danger">Envoyer</button>
  <div class="row">
  	<center>Déjà membre de Trys ? <a href="/connexion">Connexion</a></center>



What’s more weird is that it concerns all my autoforms, whether customized or not.

I checked and upgraded all the packages also…

What do you think ?

Could be related to an issue I was having today. - https://forums.meteor.com/t/iron-router-causing-app-breaking-error-on-newest-version-of-chrome/24489

have you tried #autoForm instead of #autoform?


Got this problem today and @afifsohaili answer was the fix