It looks like that the * certificate got expired today morning. Our sites bundle is tied to the original domain of the deployment - so all of our sites are broken because of the expired certificate. I tried setting up the NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED to 0 but no luck with that. Anybody know any workaround to this issue?
We had a problem earlier with renewing the LetsEncrypt wildcard certificate for apps that use the subdomain, the problem has been resolved now.
We are still investigating what may have happened with the renewal.
Best regards,
Philippe Oliveira
Thank you.
I the meantime I found a workaround to the problem.
The “ROOT_URL” env variable needs to be set to the actual url of the site and this setting needs to be added:
public: {
packages: {
'dynamic-import': {
useLocationOrigin: true
This way the [domain] is not used anymore.
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