Handle loading sequence of template

Hello to all,

I have problem with Blaze loading sequence. I have the following code and the “unauthorized” template will still show for a moment (flash and gone in split second) even I login the with correct user role OR after login and I refresh the browser.

    {{#if currentUser}}
        {{#if isInRole 'admin'}}
            <div class="ui container">
                {{> topBar}}
                {{> adminMain}}
            {{> unauthorized}}
        {{> loginScreen}}

I tried rearrange the IF sequence but the “unauthorized” template will still flash up for a split second before the correct template loaded.

How to I prevent this totally? Please advice, thank you.

Thank you.


It’s likely because data is being downloaded, so the template reacts to currently available information and refreshes as new information comes in.

How about something like this:

    {{#if currentUser}}
        {{#if isInRole 'admin'}}
            <div class="ui container">
                {{> topBar}}
                {{> adminMain}}
           {{#if isInRole 'user'}}
              {{> unauthorized}}
               Please wait ... loading
        {{> loginScreen}}

There’s an intermediata step between loggedIn and not loggedIn, which is loggingIn and there also is a built-in helper {{loggingIn}} for that as well!

So you should place another if/unless block in your template to handle this case and the flashing will indeed disappear.

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Thanks for the advice.

Thanks for pointing that out. Sorry I missed that.


I changed my code to as below but if I refresh the browser (after login and at adminMain), the “unauthorized” still flash up.

    {{#if loggingIn}}
        Loading... Please wait.
        {{#if currentUser}}
            {{#if isInRole 'admin'}}
                <div class="ui container">
                    {{> topBar}}
                    {{> adminMain}}
                {{> unauthorized}}
            {{> loginScreen}}

Please advice, thank you.

Ah, sorry, I was on mobile and missed the fact that you also have some role helper in there.

  {{#if currentUser}}
    {{> loggedIn}}
    {{#if loggingIn}}
        {{> loading}}
        {{> loginScreen}}

<template name="loggedId">
  {{#if Template.subscriptionsReady}}
    {{#if isInRole 'admin'}}
      <div class="ui container">
        {{> topBar}}
        {{> adminMain}}
      {{> unauthorized}}
    {{> loading}}

and in your javascript file, make sure you have subscribed to the publication that sends down role information

Template.loggedIn.onCreated(function() {

Thanks so much. I’ll test this out.

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Another pattern I’ve grown fond of:

MyTemplate.onCreated(function () {

  const self = this;

  // Set the "ready" state of the template
  self.readyVar: new ReactiveVar(false);

  // Update the state when your subscription, currentUser, etc is ready
  self.autorun(function() {
    if (theThingYouNeed === 'ready') {


  ready () {
    return this.readyVar.get();

<template name="myTemplate">
  {{#if ready}}
    <!-- all of your content -->

Thanks and Happy New Year to all of you great people here.