very strange… on Linux I installed every time with “curl | sh”, then create a directory, go in and do “meteor create [name]”.
I’m very curious to know why in the first page of official site there is that npm command…
# Add RVM to PATH for scripting. Make sure this is the last PATH variable change.
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.rvm/bin"
export PATH=/Users/MyUserName/.meteor:$PATH
Can you run the executable file directly by calling /Users/MyUserName/.meteor/meteor ?
If so, .bashrc is not being reloaded in a new terminal window, so I would recommend rebooting.
Also a question, are you using bash or zsh as your default terminal?
Thank you for reporting!
I will change the Mac install script to also include this snippet on .bash_profile, as seems like different Mac versions have different behaviors on sourcing bashrc.