I want to choose where Meteor will be installed. How can I accomplish that?
Not sure if this is the answer to the question you’re asking, but …
When you install Meteor (curl https://install.meteor.com|sh
) you are installing the Meteor development environment.
If you want to deploy developed code, you don’t install Meteor - you deploy built and bundled code.
There are several options for deploying your app “outside home”, but you should start by reading the Meteor Guide Build system.
Edit: Check out this topic, too:
Hi Rob! Thanks for your answer!
My question is really about development environment.
What I want to accomplish is a single Meteor installation shared by all system users.
Did you could help me to accomplish that?
Well, as long as you have a server (or VM or whatever) with command line access it will be no different to a local installation.
Having said that, git + individual local installations + agreed workflow is a much better practice.
Thanks for your reply!
I think this is a good practice, indeed.
Anyway, seems to me that Meteor was not intended to be used in a wide system installation, right?