I have got it to work at last. Here are the steps in case others are stuck too.
I am using Meteor and Ionic 1.3.5
Install cordova-plugin-statusbar and cordova-plugin-splashscreen
set the status bar overlay to false
if (window.StatusBar) {
I kept the configurations for icons and splashscreen as they were originally. I had to add an entry under icon for “app_store”.
There is no need to add a config for IPhoneX as it makes use of the setting for “iphone_2x”.
I had to edit the splashscreen for “iphone_2x” as the display on IPhoneX was off center. (Need to investigate further)
let resourcePath = “resources”;
“app_store”: resourcePath + “/icons/icon-1024.png”, // 1024
"iphone_2x": resourcePath + “/icons/iphone_2x.png”, // 120x120
"iphone_3x": resourcePath + “/icons/iphone_3x.png”, // 180x180
"ipad": resourcePath + “/icons/ipad.png”, // 76x76
"ipad_2x": resourcePath + “/icons/ipad_2x.png”, // 152x152
"ipad_pro": resourcePath + “/icons/ipad_pro.png”, // 167x167
"ios_settings": resourcePath + “/icons/ios_settings.png”, // 29x29
"ios_settings_2x": resourcePath + “/icons/ios_settings_2x.png”, // 58x58
"ios_settings_3x": resourcePath + “/icons/ios_settings_3x.png”, // 87x87
"ios_spotlight": resourcePath + “/icons/ios_spotlight.png”, // 40x40
"ios_spotlight_2x": resourcePath + “/icons/ios_spotlight_2x.png”, // 80x80
"android_mdpi": resourcePath + “/icons/android_mdpi.png”, // 48x48
"android_hdpi": resourcePath + “/icons/android_hdpi.png”, // 72x72
"android_xhdpi": resourcePath + “/icons/android_xhdpi.png”, // 96x96
"android_xxhdpi": resourcePath + “/icons/android_xxhdpi.png”, // 144x144
"android_xxxhdpi": resourcePath + “/icons/android_xxxhdpi.png” // 192x192
“iphone_2x”: “resources/splashes/iphone_2x.png”, // 640x490
"iphone5": “resources/splashes/iphone5.png”, // 640x1136
"iphone6": “resources/splashes/iphone6.png”, // 750x1334
"iphone6p_portrait": “resources/splashes/iphone6p_portrait.png”, // 2208x1242
"iphone6p_landscape": “resources/splashes/iphone6p_landscape.png”, // 2208x1242
"ipad_portrait": “resources/splashes/ipad_portrait.png”, // 768x1024
"ipad_portrait_2x": “resources/splashes/ipad_portrait_2x.png”, // 1536x2048
"ipad_landscape": “resources/splashes/ipad_landscape.png”, // 1024x768
"ipad_landscape_2x": “resources/splashes/ipad_landscape_2x.png”, // 2048x1536
"android_mdpi_portrait": “resources/splashes/android_mdpi_portrait.png”, // 320x480
"android_mdpi_landscape": “resources/splashes/android_mdpi_landscape.png”, // 480x320
"android_hdpi_portrait": “resources/splashes/android_hdpi_portrait.png”, // 480x800
"android_hdpi_landscape": “resources/splashes/android_hdpi_landscape.png”, // 800x480
"android_xhdpi_portrait": “resources/splashes/android_xhdpi_portrait.png”, // 720x1280
"android_xhdpi_landscape": “resources/splashes/android_xhdpi_landscape.png”, // 1280x720
"android_xxhdpi_portrait": “resources/splashes/android_xxhdpi_portrait.png”, // 1080x1440
"android_xxhdpi_landscape": “resources/splashes/android_xxhdpi_landscape.png” // 1440x1080
I did not have to use the following :
App.appendToConfig(<splash src="../../../app/path/to/Default@2x~universal~anyany.png" /> <splash src="../../../app/path/to/Default@3x~universal~anyany.png" />
- In XCODE - “App Icons and Launch Images”
- set the “Launch Screen File” dropdown to “MainViewController.xib”
Hope this helps.