Let's see in Heidelberg, Germany

No you are not blind, let me check the settings…

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Besides: Is there any chance to just add a “Join” button to the respective group’s page? That’s where I would have looked for it.

I’ll look if I can add that feature, in the meantime I just adding a location should list you as a member.

And if it could be helpful, the new location coulnd’t be added by user on the profile setting? Thanks to add heidelberg again :wink:

I’d like to join in. Not in Germany anymore since 13 years but German at heart (and passport) LOL

How can I join this German/Deutsch Meteor group?

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Awesome, welcome! I think @storyteller has to add you manually, since I still can’t see an option to do this on my profile page.

Hey guys, I have an orga-thread on upcoming German meetups: Meteor Meetups Deutsch / D-A-CH 👋

Please vote on the times and intervals etc.! See you all soon!

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