This is the forums thread where we organize the next upcoming meetups for all German speaking Meteorites

Why meetups in German?
To get German speaking Meteor developers (as well as companies) get to know each other, help each other, start networking, show demos, products, companies etc. whatever you can think of.
The meetup language is explicitly in German to ease the moment and get newcomers onboard comfortably!
How long will the meetup be?
This depends on the upcoming topics, discussions but also the frequency. Monthly meetups would be much shorter than semiannual meetups. Let’s find out, how much time is good 
Who can attend?
Every German speaking person, or those learning it, who want to participate in the above mentioned topics.
Do I need to show my code, app, product etc.?
No, you can simply just attend as viewer.
When do we meet?
This is where I need your votes
Please let me know what you would prefer
In which intervals do we want to meet?
- Monthly
- Bimonthly
- Quarterly
- Smiannual
Which day of the week would be your preferable day for a meetup?
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
- Sunday
No preference for days as I usually work 7 days anyways 
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I voted for 3 days but actually for me Monday to Saturday is fine, but If you want to attract company representatives Monday to Friday would be best imo.
Haha, so German. No work on Sat/Sun 
Hi fellow Germs! (Is that right?
→ Happy to see some meteor faces again after the long drought - first the Meteor - self-inflicted one & then the other global thing… 
I’m really short on time these days, small kid and familiy and all that, but I’d love to check in now and then and get reconnected a bit.
Have a good time everyone and hope to see you all soon!
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Hey there,
so it seems to be, that bimonthly/wednesday is the way to go.
I would propose to start in May with the last Wednesday, so there is a good amount of preparation time, in terms of schedule and topics.
The full schedule for this year is therefore (in German format):
- 26.05.2021
- 28.07.2021
- 29.09.2021
- 24.11.2021
For the concrete time intervals I will post another poll in early to mid May.
Please write down any topics that may be of interest. A product, a service, a package, a dev topic, Meteor in general etc. If you know any companies, that might be interested in Meteor or in joining the Meetup, please let me know here, too.
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On May 26th, we have school holidays here in BaWü, so I’m not sure if I will be able to join. But count me in for the other calls. Late afternoons CEST would work best for me, as I usually have quite a number of calls with the States in the evenings.
The hottest topics for me are: Scaling, Lazy Loading, Offline capable mobile apps without Cordova. And, of course, I would be curious what you guys are working on and how your Meteor setup looks like.
@waldgeist sessions will be recorded in case you won’t be able to join.
The topics list is indeed interesting. I could prepare a little peek into my setup regarding scaling and lazy loading. Regarding offline mobile without cordova I would be really interested, too.
Ok, I’m 6h ahead (due to summertime) but late afternoon is still ok (writing this now at 3am local time here in Singapore).
Happy to talk and share a bit how our app is setup and scaling well so far.
As our app is build Meteor-Desktop it’s a fully native Windows/macOS/Linux app, only some administrative functions are left via “normal” web access and of course the sign-up.
Here in Singapore it’s Vesak day, so also a public holiday
Sounds interesting!
We also have a pretty unique combination, I guess: A Unity-based Augmented Reality App connected to a Meteor backend (including reactivity based on DDP).
Hey guys, awesome! I want to present a few of my packages. Can we create an agenda for the date? @waldgeist would you want to present, too or save your talk for the next round?
As I said, I will most likely not be able to participate on the first date, but I can talk a bit about what we’re doing next time.
Hey there,
so I was thinking about a good time next week? From what I read here it may be better during working hours than in the evening, right?
I would therefore suggest 2:00pm (14:00 Uhr) CET then we may all be finished with lunch and these are anyway the “unproductive” hours (in case the boss wants to know
The agenda would then be the following:
14:00 - Greeting and introducing each other, small talk, social etc.
14:30 - @a4xrbj1 presents their Meteor-Desktop native app
15:15 - short break; social etc.
15:30 - @jkuester presents their current research projects that heavily utilize Meteor
16:15 - aftermath; good bye and next dates plannings
16:30 - end
The actual schedule may differ, especially the times are just a rough orientation. If we get lots of newcomers I will ad-hoc change my topic to some beginner-friendly one.
What do you think?
That would be 20:00 over here in Singapore so I’m stuffed with dinner then.
Now I have to think what I’m going to present and bring it up on a couple of slides. Haven’t done that for years 
What platform are we using? Google Meet? Is it recorded and saved? What language do you want use?
Hey @a4xrbj1 we are using the Meteor Meetups platform, which uses Zoom, you can check it out here:
It will all be recorded and saved automatically by the platform. In the meetups we will use German, because it’s a German-only meetup.
There should be some presentation-template somewhere around. @storyteller is there a direct-link to the presentation-template?
Here are the templates for Meteor Impact 2020, feel free to adjust them as you like:
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So how many people will be attending? Just checking because if it’s only @jkuester and myself then, well, …
Also, what are you guys most interested to hear about? I don’t want to bore you to death with things you know already and on the other hand leave out stuff that you’re very interested in.
So if you could give me a couple of hints that would be great! Thanks
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