Meteor 3.0 Migrations "ReferenceError: __DYNAMIC_VERSIONS__ is not defined"

Hello, I’m trying to update my project written in svelte with meteor 3 and I had a problem, so I opened an issue on zodern/melte github. I found where the problem originated. I hope it helps for the solution.

I get the same Error without zodern:melte
Seems to be a problem with dynamic imports in general.

Hello, I’m trying to migrate my svelte projects to Meteor 3.0 again, but this time the application doesn’t work at all and just stops. I can’t use svelte:compiler in packages.json. I’ve added the error to github and I’ll leave it below. Any ideas?

recepozen@MacBook-Pro svelte-deneme-302b4 % meteor
[[[[[ ~/works/svelte-deneme-302b4 ]]]]]       

=> Started proxy.                             
=> Started HMR server.                        
        throw e;

TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "data" argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer, TypedArray, or DataView. Received null
    at Hash.update (node:internal/crypto/hash:115:11)
    at /Users/recepozen/.meteor/packages/meteor-tool/.3.0.2-beta.4.bf63lc.6u4vs++os.osx.x86_64+web.browser+web.browser.legacy+web.cordova/mt-os.osx.x86_64/tools/fs/tools/fs/watch.ts:329:28
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at /Users/recepozen/.meteor/packages/meteor-tool/.3.0.2-beta.4.bf63lc.6u4vs++os.osx.x86_64+web.browser+web.browser.legacy+web.cordova/mt-os.osx.x86_64/tools/fs/tools/fs/watch.ts:329:8
    at CssOutputResource._get (/tools/isobuild/compiler-plugin.js:1002:19)
    at ClientTarget._emitResources (/tools/isobuild/bundler.js:1301:19)
    at /tools/isobuild/bundler.js:861:7
    at Object.enterJob (/tools/utils/buildmessage.js:387:12)
    at ClientTarget.make (/tools/isobuild/bundler.js:849:5)
    at /tools/isobuild/bundler.js:3293:7
    at /tools/isobuild/bundler.js:3452:25
    at Object.capture (/tools/utils/buildmessage.js:282:5)
    at bundle (/tools/isobuild/bundler.js:3274:18)
    at bundleApp (/tools/runners/run-app.js:584:26)
    at AppRunner._runOnce (/tools/runners/run-app.js:629:35)
    at AppRunner._runApp (/tools/runners/run-app.js:951:23) {

Node.js v20.15.1

Hi I found the problem and sent a pr for it. [NO_TICKET] [FIX] TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "data" argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer, TypedArray, or DataView. Received null by Sergeant61 · Pull Request #11 · zodern/melte-compiler · GitHub