Meteor 3.0-rc.0 is out!

a meteor reset does not solve the issue.

It seems not to be the same error.
Also, I am using meteor-vite/vite-bundler

W20240424-15:00:42.906(2)? (STDERR) --[Error Stack]----------------------------------------------------------------------
W20240424-15:00:42.906(2)? (STDERR)       at parseMeteorPackage (file:///project/node_modules/meteor-vite/dist/bin/worker.mjs:801:11)
W20240424-15:00:42.906(2)? (STDERR)       at async _MeteorPackage.parse (file:///project/node_modules/meteor-vite/dist/bin/worker.mjs:1360:35)
W20240424-15:00:42.907(2)? (STDERR)       at async Context.load (file:///project/node_modules/meteor-vite/dist/bin/worker.mjs:1778:29)
W20240424-15:00:42.907(2)? (STDERR)       at async Object.load (file:///project/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-41cf5ffd.js:44323:32)
W20240424-15:00:42.907(2)? (STDERR)       at async loadAndTransform (file:///project/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-41cf5ffd.js:54954:24)
W20240424-15:00:42.907(2)? (STDERR)       at async viteTransformMiddleware (file:///project/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-41cf5ffd.js:64430:32)
W20240424-15:02:33.710(2)? (STDERR) 3:02:33 PM [vite] Internal server error: 
W20240424-15:02:33.711(2)? (STDERR)  ERROR  Could not extract name from package in: .meteor/local/build/programs/web.browser/packages/meteor.js
W20240424-15:02:33.711(2)? (STDERR) undefined
W20240424-15:02:33.711(2)? (STDERR)

Could you create a reproduction of this?

You can use this one:


meteor update --release 3.0-rc.0
meteor reset
meteor run

open your browser to http://localhost:3000 and the problem will happen

I’ve got this message. What’s the preferred way to bump all the Meteor packages to the latest versions?

% meteor update --release 3.0-rc.0
=> Errors while initializing project:

While selecting package versions:
error: Conflict: Constraint webapp@1.5.0 is not satisfied by webapp 2.0.0-rc300.0.
Constraints on package “webapp”:

  • webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 ← top level
  • webapp@~2.0.0-rc300.0 ← top level
  • webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 ← meteor-base 1.5.2-rc300.0
  • webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 ← routepolicy 1.1.2-rc300.0 ← ddp-server 3.0.0-rc300.0 ← ddp 1.4.2-rc300.0 ← accounts-base 3.0.0-rc300.0 ← accounts-2fa 3.0.0-rc300.0
  • webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 ← routepolicy 1.1.2-rc300.0 ← ddp-server 3.0.0-rc300.0 ← ddp 1.4.2-rc300.0 ← accounts-password 3.0.0-rc300.0
  • webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 ← routepolicy 1.1.2-rc300.0 ← oauth 3.0.0-rc300.0 ← oauth2 1.3.3-rc300.0
  • webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 ← routepolicy 1.1.2-rc300.0 ← webapp 2.0.0-rc300.0
  • webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 ← ddp-server 3.0.0-rc300.0 ← ddp 1.4.2-rc300.0 ← accounts-base 3.0.0-rc300.0 ← accounts-2fa 3.0.0-rc300.0
  • webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 ← ddp-server 3.0.0-rc300.0 ← ddp 1.4.2-rc300.0 ← accounts-password 3.0.0-rc300.0
  • webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 ← autoupdate 2.0.0-rc300.0 ← hot-code-push 1.0.5-rc300.0 ← hot-module-replacement 0.5.4-rc300.0
  • webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 ← mongo 2.0.0-rc300.0
  • webapp@1.13.0 || 2.0.0-alpha300.19 ← mdg:seo 3.5.1
  • webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 ← oauth 3.0.0-rc300.0 ← oauth2 1.3.3-rc300.0
  • webapp@1.5.0 ← staringatlights:inject-data 2.3.0


Aha… meteor update… hmmm… I ran that to update to 3.0-rc.0, but possibly it needs to be run a second time for the packages.

Update #2

After running meteor update for the packages, I’m still getting this message:

% meteor update --release 3.0-rc.0
=> Errors while initializing project:         
While selecting package versions:
error: Conflict: Constraint webapp@1.5.0 is not satisfied by webapp 2.0.0-rc300.0.
Constraints on package "webapp":
* webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 <- top level
* webapp@~2.0.0-rc300.0 <- top level
* webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 <- meteor-base 1.5.2-rc300.0
* webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 <- routepolicy 1.1.2-rc300.0 <- ddp-server 3.0.0-rc300.0 <- ddp 1.4.2-rc300.0 <- accounts-base 3.0.0-rc300.0 <- accounts-2fa 3.0.0-rc300.0
* webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 <- routepolicy 1.1.2-rc300.0 <- ddp-server 3.0.0-rc300.0 <- ddp 1.4.2-rc300.0 <- accounts-password 3.0.0-rc300.0
* webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 <- routepolicy 1.1.2-rc300.0 <- oauth 3.0.0-rc300.0 <- oauth2 1.3.3-rc300.0
* webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 <- routepolicy 1.1.2-rc300.0 <- webapp 2.0.0-rc300.0
* webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 <- ddp-server 3.0.0-rc300.0 <- ddp 1.4.2-rc300.0 <- accounts-base 3.0.0-rc300.0 <- accounts-2fa 3.0.0-rc300.0
* webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 <- ddp-server 3.0.0-rc300.0 <- ddp 1.4.2-rc300.0 <- accounts-password 3.0.0-rc300.0
* webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 <- autoupdate 2.0.0-rc300.0 <- hot-code-push 1.0.5-rc300.0 <- hot-module-replacement 0.5.4-rc300.0
* webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 <- mongo 2.0.0-rc300.0
* webapp@1.13.0 || 2.0.0-alpha300.19 <- mdg:seo 3.5.1
* webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 <- oauth 3.0.0-rc300.0 <- oauth2 1.3.3-rc300.0
* webapp@1.5.0 <- staringatlights:inject-data 2.3.0

I tried rm -rf .meteor/local/bundler-cache. Is there an easy way to recover your mongo db data after running meteor reset? Otherwise I can do a mongo export / import.

Running meteor reset did not yet resolve the anomaly.

% meteor reset
Project reset.                                

% meteor update --release 3.0-rc.0
=> Errors while initializing project:         
While selecting package versions:
error: Conflict: Constraint webapp@1.5.0 is not satisfied by webapp 2.0.0-rc300.0.
Constraints on package "webapp":
* webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 <- top level
* webapp@~2.0.0-rc300.0 <- top level
* webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 <- meteor-base 1.5.2-rc300.0
* webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 <- routepolicy 1.1.2-rc300.0 <- ddp-server 3.0.0-rc300.0 <- ddp 1.4.2-rc300.0 <- accounts-base 3.0.0-rc300.0 <- accounts-2fa 3.0.0-rc300.0
* webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 <- routepolicy 1.1.2-rc300.0 <- ddp-server 3.0.0-rc300.0 <- ddp 1.4.2-rc300.0 <- accounts-password 3.0.0-rc300.0
* webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 <- routepolicy 1.1.2-rc300.0 <- oauth 3.0.0-rc300.0 <- oauth2 1.3.3-rc300.0
* webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 <- routepolicy 1.1.2-rc300.0 <- webapp 2.0.0-rc300.0
* webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 <- ddp-server 3.0.0-rc300.0 <- ddp 1.4.2-rc300.0 <- accounts-base 3.0.0-rc300.0 <- accounts-2fa 3.0.0-rc300.0
* webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 <- ddp-server 3.0.0-rc300.0 <- ddp 1.4.2-rc300.0 <- accounts-password 3.0.0-rc300.0
* webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 <- autoupdate 2.0.0-rc300.0 <- hot-code-push 1.0.5-rc300.0 <- hot-module-replacement 0.5.4-rc300.0
* webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 <- mongo 2.0.0-rc300.0
* webapp@1.13.0 || 2.0.0-alpha300.19 <- mdg:seo 3.5.1
* webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 <- oauth 3.0.0-rc300.0 <- oauth2 1.3.3-rc300.0
* webapp@1.5.0 <- staringatlights:inject-data 2.3.0

The issue from the error message:

This is another error.

* webapp@1.5.0 <- staringatlights:inject-data 2.3.0 means that the package staringatlights:inject-data uses webapp@1.5.0, which conflicts with the version webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0.

The package staringatlights:inject-data needs to be updated to be compatible with version 3.

Ok, thanks! I’ll have a look at this.

Is staringatlights:inject-data something that Meteor requires? It may be something I added a long time ago and forgot about. If so I can probably just delete it.

I have a feeling staringatlights:inject-data is something I added at some point and no longer use. I removed it and Meteor updated successfully. I’ll run the app now and see how it goes. :slight_smile:

Seems like the the new Meteor release release has a slightly different package registration signature from the Beta releases. Just shipped a patch for meteor-vite now to address this.

Updating it should solve the issue for you. :+1:

meteor npm i meteor-vite@latest

@harry73 @rmsbht


@jorgenvatle Thanks.

It is fixed.

cc: @denyhs

1 Like

Hi, is this RC supposed to work on Windows? Got some problems while doing meteor update.
Npm version:

  npm: '10.5.2',
  node: '20.12.2',
  acorn: '8.11.3',
  ada: '2.7.6',
  ares: '1.27.0',
  base64: '0.5.2',
  brotli: '1.1.0',
  cjs_module_lexer: '1.2.2',
  cldr: '44.1',
  icu: '74.2',
  llhttp: '8.1.2',
  modules: '115',
  napi: '9',
  nghttp2: '1.60.0',
  nghttp3: '0.7.0',
  ngtcp2: '0.8.1',
  openssl: '3.0.13+quic',
  simdutf: '4.0.8',
  tz: '2024a',
  undici: '5.28.4',
  unicode: '15.1',
  uv: '1.46.0',
  uvwasi: '0.0.20',
  v8: '',
  zlib: ''


While loading package webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0:
error: Command failed: C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c
rebuild --update-binary
npm ERR! code 1
npm ERR! path
npm ERR! command failed
npm ERR! command C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /d /s /c node-gyp rebuild
npm ERR! Building the projects in this solution one at a time. To enable parallel build, please add the "-m"
npm ERR!
npm ERR!
fatal  error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'unistd.h': No such file or directory
npm ERR! gyp ERR! build error
npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack Error: `C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe` failed with exit code: 1
npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.<anonymous>
npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:518:28)
npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:294:12)
npm ERR! gyp ERR! System Windows_NT 10.0.22631
npm ERR! gyp ERR! command
npm ERR! gyp ERR! cwd
npm ERR! gyp ERR! node -v v20.11.1
npm ERR! gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v10.0.1
npm ERR! gyp ERR! not ok

@jimmy this was discussed extensively here: POSIX dependency crashes meteor tool on Windows · Issue #12940 · meteor/meteor · GitHub


Hi, @denyhs, I have installed Meteor 3.0-rc.0 globally on my M2 Mac otherwise Meteor uses the old node 14. I’ve got an issue with the accounts-google package. I found the problem here line 128 (in google-oauth package).

const config = ServiceConfiguration.configurations.findOne({
service: 'google',

I suppose that I’ve to fix that with a findOneAsync.

But I don’t find a way to install/compile this new meteor version locally to test if my changes fixing it.

Can you help me with that?


Thanks for reporting this.

I’m going to have a look and fix it for the next RC.

For now, you can test locally by creating an alias to run your app with a local version of Meteor.

Or you can create a new folder inside your project called packages and copy/paste the google-oauth package to this folder.

1 Like

@denyhs thank you very much for your help.
I’ve fixed the code like this and it’s working fine.

const config = await ServiceConfiguration.configurations.findOneAsync({
    service: 'google',

All the best.


Hi Team,
I’m currently in the process of upgrading my application from Meteor 2.15 to Meteor 3.0-rc.0. However, I’m encountering some issues during the upgrade process. When attempting to update using the command meteor update --release 3.0-rc.0 , I encountered the following errors:
Has anyone else encountered similar issues during the upgrade to Meteor 3.0? Any insights or suggestions on how to resolve these conflicts would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

meteor update --release 3.0-rc.0
=> Errors while initializing project:
While selecting package versions:
error: Conflict: Constraint caching-compiler@1.2.1 is not satisfied by caching-compiler 2.0.0-rc300.0.
Constraints on package “caching-compiler”:

  • caching-compiler@~2.0.0-rc300.0 ← top level
  • caching-compiler@2.0.0-alpha300.17 ← caching-html-compiler 2.0.0-alpha300.17 ← static-html 1.3.3-rc300.0
  • caching-compiler@1.2.1 ← bslocombe:vue-component 0.16.1

Conflict: Constraint webapp@1.7.4 is not satisfied by webapp 2.0.0-rc300.0.
Constraints on package “webapp”:

  • webapp@~2.0.0-rc300.0 ← top level
  • webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 ← meteor-base 1.5.2-rc300.0
  • webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 ← routepolicy 1.1.2-rc300.0 ← ddp-server 3.0.0-rc300.0 ← ddp 1.4.2-rc300.0 ← accounts-base
    3.0.0-rc300.0 ← service-configuration 1.3.2-rc300.0
  • webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 ← routepolicy 1.1.2-rc300.0 ← ddp-server 3.0.0-rc300.0 ← ddp 1.4.2-rc300.0 ← meteor-base
  • webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 ← routepolicy 1.1.2-rc300.0 ← webapp 2.0.0-rc300.0 ← meteor-base 1.5.2-rc300.0
  • webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 ← ddp-server 3.0.0-rc300.0 ← ddp 1.4.2-rc300.0 ← accounts-base 3.0.0-rc300.0 ←
    service-configuration 1.3.2-rc300.0
  • webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 ← ddp-server 3.0.0-rc300.0 ← ddp 1.4.2-rc300.0 ← meteor-base 1.5.2-rc300.0
  • webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 ← autoupdate 2.0.0-rc300.0 ← akryum:vue-component-dev-client 0.4.7 ← bslocombe:vue-component
  • webapp@2.0.0-rc300.0 ← mongo 2.0.0-rc300.0
  • webapp@1.7.4 ← akryum:vue-component-dev-server 0.1.4 ← bslocombe:vue-component 0.16.1

Conflict: Constraint autoupdate@1.6.0 is not satisfied by autoupdate 2.0.0-rc300.0.
Constraints on package “autoupdate”:

  • autoupdate@~2.0.0-rc300.0 ← top level
  • autoupdate@2.0.0-rc300.0 ← hot-code-push 1.0.5-rc300.0 ← meteor-base 1.5.2-rc300.0
  • autoupdate@1.6.0 ← akryum:vue-component-dev-client 0.4.7 ← bslocombe:vue-component 0.16.1

I ran into something similar. See my post above in this thread. In my case I just had to remove an outdated package I was no longer using, staringatlights:inject-data