After one year I am back at attempting to use Vue in Meteor. (Main reason is I got excited when I saw that Meteor Nights came back and I set out to give it a shot once more)
So I am sharing a repo where I am “documenting” in the form of git commits the steps I am following to make this integration work.
I also have been taking screenshots of what I find relevant to visualize and attempted to use a simple published google docs, though the images came out weird, so after modifying the generated html a little I came up with the following:
Hope anyone looking for how to integrate Vue into a Meteor app finds it useful
EDIT: The following is the link to the published google doc. I spend too much time trying to enlarge the images I pasted in the beginning again and again so I’ll just leave it as is. https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTvnB8eVdTSI9VuzE6ozSw2hkj2P7XLk8-zdw1XFxrIcb4TpInNZ7K_g5euRWV-QxKNI8ccqvm9MmLK/pub
If someone knows how to enlarge those images on the google doc source (other than going one by one manually) I’d be glad to do that. Otherwise, unless I get some spare time to go back and enlarge them, you can always click the “open this image in a new tab” (or whatever your browser allows) to see the original sized images for the first ~dozen images.