MontiAPM Agent interfering with http requests?


I’m currently trying to run my server tests on meteor 3.1.0, coming from 3.0.4. I use montiapm and on 3.0.4 everythings fine so far. Once I upgrade to 3.1.0 (which necessarily includes using montiapm:agent@3.0.0-beta.9), a whole bunch (> 150) tests making requests against my REST API fail. The reason is that once I use montiapm:agent@3.0.0-beta.9 the query attribute in all requests is undefined. If i remove montiapm:agent@3.0.0-beta.9 everything’s fine…

Consider raising the issue in the monti-apm repo

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Ok, did that right here, including a minimal repo reproducing the issue

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Thanks for reporting this @bratelefant. It’s fixed in 3.0.0-beta.10.


Thanks for that quick fix, looking good in my dev env!