Nearing end of tether trying to build Meteor for Android

OK, I am stumped, I have tried forums and even using someones docker image to build my Android app… but I keep hitting a slew of issues.

For my project I can successfully build a working app for iOS, but when it comes to the Android app, it’s completely borked and I have followed a number of twists and turns including removing packages like crosswalk and anything that seems to be offending just to try and get it to run.

Depending on which approach I use I get anything from a crash (straight meteor run android-device) , through to Gradle related issues, through to things like compatible plugins issues - see below for some of the forum issues.

Do we need a new Meteor guide or an update to enable us to build our apps for Android for Meteor I feel like I’m stabbing in the dark.

Some related forum entries:


Even I still wonder, why haven’t MDG still keep this guide published
Even though meteor install-sdk no longer works. Is it has abandoned that far? That’s why the only workaround I have is building my own builder. Hope they can find a way for this, or simply remove the mobile guide itself


We’ve released the app 16 times on Android since 2016 and sure had to deal with some weirdness when building, so it’s not like this is the first time we’ve released the app.

Just finding this specific combo with Meteor particularly nasty. Sure I amy be doing something dumb… but does this have to be so hard.

Please paste any error messages you are seeing … I can confirm meteor can successfully cut android APK

@planckdensity still struggling here.
my app builds and deploys to Cordova… it just crashes/shuts down
I succesfully build the “hellow meteor” default app meteor create someapp the meteor run android-device with the same corodva plugins I am running in my app.


I have the following code to check permissions (which used to work ):

if(Meteor.isCordova) {
	Meteor.startup(function() {

			authorized => {
				if(!authorized) {
						granted => {
							console.log("Authorization request for camera use was " +
								(granted ? "granted" : "denied"));
						error => { console.error(error); }
			error => { console.error(error); }
			authorized => {
				if(!authorized) {
					cordova.plugins.diagnostic.requestLocationAuthorization()(function(status) {
						console.log("Authorization request for location use was " + (status == cordova.plugins.diagnostic.permissionStatus.GRANTED ? "granted" : "denied"));
					}, function(error) {
			error => { console.error(error); }
			authorized => {
				if(!authorized) {
					cordova.plugins.diagnostic.requestContactsAuthorization()(function(status) {
						console.log("Authorization request for contacts use was " + (status == cordova.plugins.diagnostic.permissionStatus.GRANTED ? "granted" : "denied"));
					}, function(error) {
			error => { console.error(error); }

		if(gIsAndroid()) {
				authorized => {
					if(!authorized) {
						cordova.plugins.diagnostic.requestExternalStorageAuthorization(function(status) {
							console.log("Authorization request for external storage use was " + (status == cordova.plugins.diagnostic.permissionStatus.GRANTED ? "granted" : "denied"));
						}, function(error) {
				error => { console.error(error); }



In the test app, I get the same/similar errors I am getting, but the app does NOT crash.

[[[[ ~/Documents/development/test_cordova_android ]]]]]

=> Started proxy.                             
cordova-custom-config: Skipping auto-restore of config file backup(s)
cordova-android-support-gradle-release: ERROR: EXCEPTION: Failed to load dependencies. If using cordova@6 CLI, ensure this plugin is installed with the --fetch option: Error: Cannot find module 'xml2js'
WARNING: You are testing your app on a remote device. For the mobile app to be able to connect to the local server, make sure your device is on the same network, and that the network configuration
         allows clients to talk to each other (no client isolation).
=> Started MongoDB.                           
=> Started your app.                          
=> App running at:     
=> Started app on Android Device.             
I20180525-13:12:15.640(10)? 05-25 13:12:12.005 32323 32323 I CordovaLog: Changing log level to DEBUG(3)
I20180525-13:12:15.696(10)? 05-25 13:12:12.161 32323 32323 I chromium: [] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
I20180525-13:12:15.697(10)? 05-25 13:12:12.569 32323 32363 E chromium: [] Cannot start http server for devtools. Stop devtools.
I20180525-13:12:15.697(10)? 05-25 13:12:13.531 32323 32323 I MeteorWebApp: Serving asset bundle with version: 7ceaca237e8d4404c07dd201adbb09e0cd171727
I20180525-13:12:15.697(10)? 05-25 13:12:14.294 32323 32375 E chromium: [ERROR:BudgetService.cpp(160)] Unable to connect to the Mojo BudgetService.
I20180525-13:12:17.150(10)? 05-25 13:12:16.486 32323 32323 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(90)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: gIsAndroid is not defined", source: http://localhost:12656/app/app.js?hash=a1ce55d7d11f9c3d89433ec32e0abfdfd991693e (90)
I20180525-13:12:17.225(10)? 05-25 13:12:16.560 32323 32323 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(309)] "Error in Success callbackId: Diagnostic1770786983 : TypeError: cordova.plugins.diagnostic.requestLocationAuthorization(...) is not a function", source: http://localhost:12656/cordova.js (309)
I20180525-13:12:17.226(10)? 05-25 13:12:16.561 32323 32323 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(309)] "Error in Success callbackId: Diagnostic1770786984 : TypeError: cordova.plugins.diagnostic.requestContactsAuthorization(...) is not a function", source: http://localhost:12656/cordova.js (309)
I20180525-13:12:17.228(10)? 05-25 13:12:16.562 32323 32323 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(309)] "Error in Success callbackId: Diagnostic1770786986 : TypeError: successCallback is not a function", source: http://localhost:12656/cordova.js (309)
I20180525-13:12:17.230(10)? 05-25 13:12:16.563 32323 32323 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(309)] "Error in Success callbackId: Diagnostic1770786987 : TypeError: successCallback is not a function", source: http://localhost:12656/cordova.js (309)
I20180525-13:12:17.267(10)? 05-25 13:12:16.602 32323 32323 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(69)] "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: cordova.plugins.diagnostic.requestLocationAuthorization(...) is not a function", source: http://localhost:12656/app/app.js?hash=a1ce55d7d11f9c3d89433ec32e0abfdfd991693e (69)
I20180525-13:12:17.273(10)? 05-25 13:12:16.603 32323 32323 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(80)] "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: cordova.plugins.diagnostic.requestContactsAuthorization(...) is not a function", source: http://localhost:12656/app/app.js?hash=a1ce55d7d11f9c3d89433ec32e0abfdfd991693e (80)
I20180525-13:12:17.277(10)? 05-25 13:12:16.604 32323 32323 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(466)] "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: successCallback is not a function", source: http://localhost:12656/plugins/cordova.plugins.diagnostic/www/android/diagnostic.js (466)
I20180525-13:12:17.277(10)? 05-25 13:12:16.605 32323 32323 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(324)] "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: successCallback is not a function", source: http://localhost:12656/plugins/cordova.plugins.diagnostic/www/android/diagnostic.js (324)
I20180525-13:12:54.242(10)? 05-25 13:12:53.572 32323 32395 W MeteorWebApp: App startup timed out, reverting to last known good version
I20180525-13:13:18.434(10)? 05-25 13:13:17.770 32323 32323 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(59)] "Authorization request for camera use was granted", source: http://localhost:12656/app/app.js?hash=a1ce55d7d11f9c3d89433ec32e0abfdfd991693e (59)

so there are two issues

  1. the errors above which which occor both in the testapp and my app
  2. the crash which only occurs on my app

I am not sure if the crash is related to (1) or another reason that I can’t seem to see another event/crash in on the log.

In the Chrome debug console, I see this and then it has the “Appname has stopped - Close App”

cordova.js:1218 deviceready has not fired after 5 seconds.
cordova.js:1211 Channel not fired: onDOMContentLoaded
buzzy-buzz_resources-core.js?hash=40a6c5899ba0d55aaf106a32f42699e807458d0f:83 currentDomain
buzzy-buzz_resources-core.js?hash=40a6c5899ba0d55aaf106a32f42699e807458d0f:84 BUZZY_TEMPLATE_SERVER:false
app.js?hash=efb1265cd711afdaeded7001b3a5d77ebbd852c9:74434 Uncaught TypeError: cordova.plugins.diagnostic.isExternalStorageAuthorized is not a function
    at app.js?hash=efb1265cd711afdaeded7001b3a5d77ebbd852c9:74434
    at maybeReady (meteor.js?hash=0ed6f381c727c0ebb1e89e3f1a5c58abf83481f9:899)
    at Channel.releaseReadyHold (meteor.js?hash=0ed6f381c727c0ebb1e89e3f1a5c58abf83481f9:888)
    at (cordova.js:842)
    at cordova.js:229
(anonymous) @ app.js?hash=efb1265cd711afdaeded7001b3a5d77ebbd852c9:74434
maybeReady @ meteor.js?hash=0ed6f381c727c0ebb1e89e3f1a5c58abf83481f9:899
releaseReadyHold @ meteor.js?hash=0ed6f381c727c0ebb1e89e3f1a5c58abf83481f9:888 @ cordova.js:842
(anonymous) @ cordova.js:229
setTimeout (async)
fireDocumentEvent @ cordova.js:224
(anonymous) @ cordova.js:1315
f @ cordova.js:689 @ cordova.js:842
(anonymous) @ cordova.js:1274
cordova.js:309 Error in Success callbackId: Diagnostic928947326 : TypeError: cordova.plugins.diagnostic.requestLocationAuthorization(...) is not a function
cordova.js:309 Error in Success callbackId: Diagnostic928947327 : TypeError: cordova.plugins.diagnostic.requestContactsAuthorization(...) is not a function
cordova.js:309 Error in Success callbackId: Diagnostic928947329 : TypeError: successCallback is not a function
cordova.js:309 Error in Success callbackId: Diagnostic928947330 : TypeError: successCallback is not a function
app.js?hash=efb1265cd711afdaeded7001b3a5d77ebbd852c9:78159 query pageStyle {}
app.js?hash=efb1265cd711afdaeded7001b3a5d77ebbd852c9:74414 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: cordova.plugins.diagnostic.requestLocationAuthorization(...) is not a function
    at app.js?hash=efb1265cd711afdaeded7001b3a5d77ebbd852c9:74414
    at onSuccess (diagnostic.js:500)
    at onSuccess (diagnostic.js:483)
    at onSuccess (diagnostic.js:298)
    at Object.callbackFromNative (cordova.js:291)
    at processMessage (cordova.js:1114)
    at processMessages (cordova.js:1137)
    at meteor.js?hash=0ed6f381c727c0ebb1e89e3f1a5c58abf83481f9:1196
(anonymous) @ app.js?hash=efb1265cd711afdaeded7001b3a5d77ebbd852c9:74414
onSuccess @ diagnostic.js:500
onSuccess @ diagnostic.js:483
onSuccess @ diagnostic.js:298
callbackFromNative @ cordova.js:291
processMessage @ cordova.js:1114
processMessages @ cordova.js:1137
(anonymous) @ meteor.js?hash=0ed6f381c727c0ebb1e89e3f1a5c58abf83481f9:1196
Promise.then (async)
Promise.then @ promise.js?hash=9ba5b4e2acdf19ad7b7bac54d00338de4c1ecd0d:126
nextTick @ cordova.js:930
androidExec @ cordova.js:972
Diagnostic.getPermissionsAuthorizationStatus @ diagnostic.js:301
Diagnostic.getLocationAuthorizationStatus @ diagnostic.js:485
Diagnostic.isLocationAuthorized @ diagnostic.js:502
(anonymous) @ app.js?hash=efb1265cd711afdaeded7001b3a5d77ebbd852c9:74412
maybeReady @ meteor.js?hash=0ed6f381c727c0ebb1e89e3f1a5c58abf83481f9:899
releaseReadyHold @ meteor.js?hash=0ed6f381c727c0ebb1e89e3f1a5c58abf83481f9:888 @ cordova.js:842
(anonymous) @ cordova.js:229
setTimeout (async)
fireDocumentEvent @ cordova.js:224
(anonymous) @ cordova.js:1315
f @ cordova.js:689 @ cordova.js:842
(anonymous) @ cordova.js:1274
app.js?hash=efb1265cd711afdaeded7001b3a5d77ebbd852c9:74425 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: cordova.plugins.diagnostic.requestContactsAuthorization(...) is not a function
    at app.js?hash=efb1265cd711afdaeded7001b3a5d77ebbd852c9:74425
    at onSuccess (diagnostic.js:870)
    at onSuccess (diagnostic.js:270)
    at Object.callbackFromNative (cordova.js:291)
    at processMessage (cordova.js:1114)
    at processMessages (cordova.js:1137)
    at meteor.js?hash=0ed6f381c727c0ebb1e89e3f1a5c58abf83481f9:1196
(anonymous) @ app.js?hash=efb1265cd711afdaeded7001b3a5d77ebbd852c9:74425
onSuccess @ diagnostic.js:870
onSuccess @ diagnostic.js:270
callbackFromNative @ cordova.js:291
processMessage @ cordova.js:1114
processMessages @ cordova.js:1137
(anonymous) @ meteor.js?hash=0ed6f381c727c0ebb1e89e3f1a5c58abf83481f9:1196
Promise.then (async)
Promise.then @ promise.js?hash=9ba5b4e2acdf19ad7b7bac54d00338de4c1ecd0d:126
nextTick @ cordova.js:930
androidExec @ cordova.js:972
Diagnostic.getPermissionAuthorizationStatus @ diagnostic.js:273
Diagnostic.getContactsAuthorizationStatus @ diagnostic.js:885
Diagnostic.isContactsAuthorized @ diagnostic.js:872
(anonymous) @ app.js?hash=efb1265cd711afdaeded7001b3a5d77ebbd852c9:74423
maybeReady @ meteor.js?hash=0ed6f381c727c0ebb1e89e3f1a5c58abf83481f9:899
releaseReadyHold @ meteor.js?hash=0ed6f381c727c0ebb1e89e3f1a5c58abf83481f9:888 @ cordova.js:842
(anonymous) @ cordova.js:229
setTimeout (async)
fireDocumentEvent @ cordova.js:224
(anonymous) @ cordova.js:1315
f @ cordova.js:689 @ cordova.js:842
(anonymous) @ cordova.js:1274
diagnostic.js:466 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: successCallback is not a function
    at onSuccess (diagnostic.js:466)
    at onSuccess (diagnostic.js:354)
    at Object.callbackFromNative (cordova.js:291)
    at processMessage (cordova.js:1114)
    at processMessages (cordova.js:1137)
    at meteor.js?hash=0ed6f381c727c0ebb1e89e3f1a5c58abf83481f9:1196
onSuccess @ diagnostic.js:466
onSuccess @ diagnostic.js:354
callbackFromNative @ cordova.js:291
processMessage @ cordova.js:1114
processMessages @ cordova.js:1137
(anonymous) @ meteor.js?hash=0ed6f381c727c0ebb1e89e3f1a5c58abf83481f9:1196
Promise.then (async)
Promise.then @ promise.js?hash=9ba5b4e2acdf19ad7b7bac54d00338de4c1ecd0d:126
nextTick @ cordova.js:930
processMessages @ cordova.js:1141
(anonymous) @ meteor.js?hash=0ed6f381c727c0ebb1e89e3f1a5c58abf83481f9:1196
Promise.then (async)
Promise.then @ promise.js?hash=9ba5b4e2acdf19ad7b7bac54d00338de4c1ecd0d:126
nextTick @ cordova.js:930
androidExec @ cordova.js:972
Diagnostic.getPermissionsAuthorizationStatus @ diagnostic.js:301
Diagnostic.getCameraAuthorizationStatus @ diagnostic.js:630
Diagnostic.isCameraAuthorized @ diagnostic.js:647
(anonymous) @ app.js?hash=efb1265cd711afdaeded7001b3a5d77ebbd852c9:74401
maybeReady @ meteor.js?hash=0ed6f381c727c0ebb1e89e3f1a5c58abf83481f9:899
releaseReadyHold @ meteor.js?hash=0ed6f381c727c0ebb1e89e3f1a5c58abf83481f9:888 @ cordova.js:842
(anonymous) @ cordova.js:229
setTimeout (async)
fireDocumentEvent @ cordova.js:224
(anonymous) @ cordova.js:1315
f @ cordova.js:689 @ cordova.js:842
(anonymous) @ cordova.js:1274
diagnostic.js:324 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: successCallback is not a function
    at onSuccess (diagnostic.js:324)
    at Object.callbackFromNative (cordova.js:291)
    at processMessage (cordova.js:1114)
    at processMessages (cordova.js:1137)
    at meteor.js?hash=0ed6f381c727c0ebb1e89e3f1a5c58abf83481f9:1196
onSuccess @ diagnostic.js:324
callbackFromNative @ cordova.js:291
processMessage @ cordova.js:1114
processMessages @ cordova.js:1137
(anonymous) @ meteor.js?hash=0ed6f381c727c0ebb1e89e3f1a5c58abf83481f9:1196
Promise.then (async)
Promise.then @ promise.js?hash=9ba5b4e2acdf19ad7b7bac54d00338de4c1ecd0d:126
nextTick @ cordova.js:930
androidExec @ cordova.js:972
Diagnostic.requestRuntimePermissions @ diagnostic.js:358
Diagnostic.requestLocationAuthorization @ diagnostic.js:468
(anonymous) @ app.js?hash=efb1265cd711afdaeded7001b3a5d77ebbd852c9:74414
onSuccess @ diagnostic.js:500
onSuccess @ diagnostic.js:483
onSuccess @ diagnostic.js:298
callbackFromNative @ cordova.js:291
processMessage @ cordova.js:1114
processMessages @ cordova.js:1137
(anonymous) @ meteor.js?hash=0ed6f381c727c0ebb1e89e3f1a5c58abf83481f9:1196
Promise.then (async)
Promise.then @ promise.js?hash=9ba5b4e2acdf19ad7b7bac54d00338de4c1ecd0d:126
nextTick @ cordova.js:930
androidExec @ cordova.js:972
Diagnostic.getPermissionsAuthorizationStatus @ diagnostic.js:301
Diagnostic.getLocationAuthorizationStatus @ diagnostic.js:485
Diagnostic.isLocationAuthorized @ diagnostic.js:502
(anonymous) @ app.js?hash=efb1265cd711afdaeded7001b3a5d77ebbd852c9:74412
maybeReady @ meteor.js?hash=0ed6f381c727c0ebb1e89e3f1a5c58abf83481f9:899
releaseReadyHold @ meteor.js?hash=0ed6f381c727c0ebb1e89e3f1a5c58abf83481f9:888 @ cordova.js:842
(anonymous) @ cordova.js:229
setTimeout (async)
fireDocumentEvent @ cordova.js:224
(anonymous) @ cordova.js:1315
f @ cordova.js:689 @ cordova.js:842
(anonymous) @ cordova.js:1274
app.js?hash=efb1265cd711afdaeded7001b3a5d77ebbd852c9:65126 LAYOUT AUTORUN 2
app.js?hash=efb1265cd711afdaeded7001b3a5d77ebbd852c9:65128 LAYOUT AUTORUN 2 undefined
app.js?hash=efb1265cd711afdaeded7001b3a5d77ebbd852c9:65148 about to subs for communityID null listType: all
app.js?hash=efb1265cd711afdaeded7001b3a5d77ebbd852c9:71961 NO CONNECTIONS HEADER
app.js?hash=efb1265cd711afdaeded7001b3a5d77ebbd852c9:74404 Authorization request for camera use was granted
webapp.js?hash=d8189fa667b77a6959459ae756c28fd264ac2eaa:70 Error: Skipping downloading new version because the Cordova platform version or plugin versions have changed and are potentially incompatible
    at webapp_local_server.js:36
    at Object.callbackFromNative (cordova.js:291)
    at <anonymous>:1:9
(anonymous) @ webapp.js?hash=d8189fa667b77a6959459ae756c28fd264ac2eaa:70
(anonymous) @ webapp_local_server.js:37
callbackFromNative @ cordova.js:291
(anonymous) @ VM300:1
app.js?hash=efb1265cd711afdaeded7001b3a5d77ebbd852c9:65126 LAYOUT AUTORUN 2
app.js?hash=efb1265cd711afdaeded7001b3a5d77ebbd852c9:65128 LAYOUT AUTORUN 2 undefined
app.js?hash=efb1265cd711afdaeded7001b3a5d77ebbd852c9:65148 about to subs for communityID null listType: all
app.js?hash=efb1265cd711afdaeded7001b3a5d77ebbd852c9:78159 query pageStyle {}
app.js?hash=efb1265cd711afdaeded7001b3a5d77ebbd852c9:78159 query pageStyle {}
app.js?hash=efb1265cd711afdaeded7001b3a5d77ebbd852c9:65416 sign in origin http://localhost:12456
app.js?hash=efb1265cd711afdaeded7001b3a5d77ebbd852c9:65416 sign in origin http://localhost:12456
app.js?hash=efb1265cd711afdaeded7001b3a5d77ebbd852c9:65416 sign in origin

Here’s my timeout settings

App.setPreference("LoadUrlTimeoutValue", 40000);
App.setPreference("WebAppStartupTimeout", 40000);
App.setPreference('android-targetSdkVersion', '23');
App.setPreference('android-minSdkVersion', '16');

Mmmm could be this issue
I have <body> tags in main.html any other ideas?

BTW, made the time out 60000ms… no diff

Crikey!!!.. after weeks of messing about, I think I may have fixed it… several hundred chicken and small mammals have been sacrificed along the way:

replaced phonegap-plugin-push@1.10.5 with phonegap-plugin-push@1.11.1removedcrosswalk`

GRadle version

Gradle 2.14.1

Build time:   2016-07-18 06:38:37 UTC
Revision:     d9e2113d9fb05a5caabba61798bdb8dfdca83719

Groovy:       2.4.4
Ant:          Apache Ant(TM) version 1.9.6 compiled on June 29 2015
JVM:          1.8.0_171 (Oracle Corporation 25.171-b11)
OS:           Mac OS X 10.13.4 x86_64

Sounds good :slight_smile:

Perhaps you could sacrifice a few more creatures and consider a PR to the Meteor Guide Mobile section…

1 Like

Right, we faced the same issue with the push plugin (and using v2 onwards beaks things). And it’s not Meteor’s fault, it’s Google and Cordova’s. Google stuff isn’t always backwards compatible if you don’t use their tools directly (Android SDK vs. Cordova)

1 Like

@adamginsburg We were experiencing similar issues building our Android app in Meteor Thanks for sharing that the version needed to be updated to phonegap-plugin-push@1.11.1. That was an important missing piece of the puzzle for us. :slight_smile:

Fwiw, we also had to add:
