Hello, I am trying to build my application with API level 31, which is already required by the Play Store and I am finding it impossible.
In theory I need cordova-android11 but there is no way to update this on my Meteor. I have it updated to 2.8, I have deleted cordova-android but I always end up running cordova-android@10.1.2.
The steps to be able to upload the API in meteor (compilation from Windows), which worked for me, have been the following:
Install Java 11.
Install from Android Studio “cmdline-tools” and to avoid errors, add in Path (just before the logs for %ANDROID_HOME%\sdk\tools and \sdk\platform-tools): %ANDROID_HOME%\cmdline-tools\latest\bin
These are the binaries we just installed.
Basically just search for the string com.google.gms:google-services by right clicking “app” on the left in the project browser and choosing “find in files”…
I’ve added / changed the gradle java by going to the projects / Android Studios’ settings → Build, Execution, Deployment → Build Tools → Gradle, and downloading & selecting “corretto-11” from Amazon as Gradle JDK.
BTW @cmboros : You should have gotten an award for your post, thank you so much, helped out a lot!