same issue here , as for 1.4.1 it was working perfectly in my project … for some reason i had to reinstall all the packages and from that time … it hangs while extracting … .
Excuse my venting. Coming back to Meteor to bootstrap a new MVP and it’s just one hurdle after another just to get it running nowdays it seems. Starting to eyeball other frameworks
How do you set the METEOR_PROFILE=100 on windows using the console?
Your instructions above " METEOR_PROFILE=100 meteor" do not work in windows console.
then >>meteor as per normal?
Don’t run Windows but yes that’s what I see being done by others. You should see a large wall of text, post that in a code lock here then we can take a look. And be aware it will take some time, can be very long. So you might want to run it in another folder so it doesn’t block your work.
OK, I did that already. I use both PC and Mac (and iOS/Android) but prefer developing on windows.
Now it’s sitting on extracting coffeescript so I’ll leave it for a while… … …
brb (ty)
I’ve done a fair bit of development with Meteor before, and used to the sometimes longish build times, but this is different from what I’ve seen before. But I’ll leave it running for a while to make sure.
It is literally sitting on this:
=> Started proxy.
| (#1) Profiling: ProjectContext prepareProjectForBuild
=> Started MongoDB.
Extracting coffeescript@1.0.17… /
Ok…this is ridiculous. Hours later, nothing. It doesn’t take this long to build. It’s just sitting there on Extracting coffeescript@1.0.17… / with no feedback or anything.
I had the same problem on Windows 10 using meteor
I explicitly add the coffeescript by typing >meteor add coffeescript.
This successfully finshed with coffeescript version 1.2.4_1.
After that I again added the ‘practicalmeteor:mocha’ package successfully.