Router, find users count

Hi, i will need to get a count of users, in before action section

Router.onBeforeAction(function() {
  if (! Meteor.userId()) {

    let firstBoot = Meteor.users.find({}).length
    firstBoot == 0 ? this.render('register') : this.render('login')

  } else {;

but firstBoot is undefined, i can try to use the Meteor.methods in my server code, and get user count in router using 10Q :slight_smile:

try either Meteor.users.find().count() or Meteor.users.find().fetch().length

collection.find() returns a cursor, therefore length is undefined. count() counts a cursor or fetch() converts the resultset into an array.

Edit: you also need to have your users collection fully published in order to receive that count on the client.

i try it, count() method returned 0, but users in collection > 0

See my edit. You need to have the whole user collection published to be able to count on the client.

You have other options:

  • Publish a safe subset of the user information.
  • Publish just the counts
  • Calculate the count at the server and retreive via method

Meteor.users.find().count() works in my code. I am using the accounts-password package.

in onBeforeAction on iron router? when you are loggen in

I believe this hits the spot. So, using the tmeasday:publish-counts package, you can do the following.

Meteor.publish('userCount', function() {
  Counts.publish(this, 'user-count', Meteor.users.find());

Then, in your home or β€˜/’ route

waitOn: function() {
  return [Meteor.subscribe('userCount')];

Then, your code becomes

Router.onBeforeAction(function() {
  if (! Meteor.userId()) {

    let firstBoot = Counts.get('user-count');
    firstBoot == 0 ? this.render('register') : this.render('login')

  } else {;

This way, you do not have to publish the entire/part of β€˜user’ collection and only publish the information you need (the user count).


thanks for this answer, it works for me

But what are you trying to do?

if application has not user, show register template