Stack Overflow Documentation and Meteor

Perhaps more people can help migrate it, rather than you doing all of the work personally!

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Itā€™d definitely be a lot better if we could suggest edits during proposed changes instead of having to outright accept/reject themā€¦ so, yeah, blame SO :stuck_out_tongue:

^Go upvote!


Nice one, and until that gets implemented, it seems there also is a workflow that allows

reject -> improve -> resubmit

which imho should work better than

approve -> improve -> resubmit


  • approving first allows erroneous information to go out there
  • the original author may disagree with the suggestion and dismiss your input
  • either party may simply forget or be too lazy to submit a new improvement
  • it may lead to an endless loop of edits between two disagreeing parties

It also seems that there is an ongoing discussion about how much reputation should one have in order to be able to contribute content, participate in the workflow, or even outright edit the existing content. The community seems to ask for improved thresholds, arguing that documentation should be done only by those who have accumulated high reputation on that given tag. But I guess this is too big a discussion where everyone has valid points.

@sashko since the Meteor logo is officially present in the announcement, do you guys perhaps plan a somewhat coordinated effort in bringing this to life, or do you prefer time taking its course?

Gads, I just had the worst experience in the Stackoverflow chat. Tried to give some feedback on workflow, and made the unfortunate mistake of mentioning the Meteor Cookbook; and they immediately made assumptions that I was plagerizing the Packt Cookbook and started in on a licensing witch-hunt.

Now I remember why I stopped participating on StackOverflow.

Okay, Architecture Basics is all migrated over.

If I spend two hours a day in the morning, I seem to be able to do 5 or 6 of these articles a day. On a closer review, I think thereā€™s only maybe 80 articles worth migrate overā€¦ the rest being more specific to Clinical Track. Iā€™ve done 10 articles, so thereā€™s maybe 70 left. So thatā€™s 14 days.

3 weeks.

If I do this for two hours a day in the morning, I should be able to get everything migrated over in 3 weeks. Maybe 2 weeks if I work through the weekends.


It is just two or three people raising concerns about plagiarism over a few sentences on a high velocity chatroom that donā€™t make it quite clear that you are the owner of the content. We should be happy that some people do take that seriously and voice their concerns, it is a good thing that while some people are concentrating on content, others are doing the same for its legal well being.

That being said, there will always be people who are disagreeing with you, regardless of whatā€™s right and whatā€™s not.

What matters is you not ā€œstopping your participationā€ because what you produce in the end makes a difference.

I believe what gives Meteor the real ā€œedgeā€ is the vibrant community and the contribution it ammounts to, which in turn also encourages MDG to outdo themselves, and we get to have even more!

Let us know if there is anything we can do to help!


This morning I sat down and did a lot of sorting of Cookbook articles, separated them into different categories, and created a Meteor Cookbook to StackOverflow Migration Plan. Some of the migration queue categories include:

  • Easy to Migrate
  • Orphaned Examples
  • Need Rewriting
  • Need Restructuring
  • Donā€™t Migrate
  • etc

Most of the Easy to Migrateā€™s are now migrated over to StackOverflow, and weā€™re already getting towards the ones that need more detailed review. If people want to grab an article, go to the StackOverflow Migration article, and pick a topic to start working with. Most of the subjective think pieces, clinic/healthcare specific articles, and links to packages have been separated out, so what remains should be fairly standard Meteor/Blaze specific, without too many gotchyas.

  • Iā€™ll take care of rewriting and updating the testing articles with the latest from the starrynight, gagarin, chimp, nightwatch, and spacejam packages. I have code examples that havenā€™t been put into the Cookbook, and the refactoring documents might be confusing.

  • Also, all of the Blaze UI component recipes probably are worth consolidating into a single article. It will give a good reference for what an analogous React or Angular document might look like.

  • Not sure if we want to have glossaries, reserved keyword lists, styleguides, and other meta data. But people are already asking about Linting, so perhaps they should go in also. More likely, the syntax, terminology, and styleguide articles should be matched up to linting code samples.


How does the community feel about link farm documentation on StackOverflow? Iā€™m starting to get into various documents that consist primarily of curated research and link farms to blogs and tutorials.

For instance, the
Advanced Architectures pageā€¦ probably needs to be fleshed out with Mobile, Native Mobile, Embedded, and WebApp sections; and is lacking code examples.

However, the notion of having documentation talking about advanced architecturesā€¦ that a user can build an app as a Chrome Extention, or as a Desktop app, or a Peer-to-Peer app (in theory)ā€¦ thereā€™s something to be said for having that type of documentation. Which, as far as Iā€™m aware, doesnā€™t exist anywhere else in the Meteor documentation blogoverse. This might also be a good place for embedded architectures like Arduino, Tessel microcontrollers, etc.

I ask, because instead of recommending improvements and fleshing out the topics with code examples, some people are already getting uptight about using examples as section/topic placeholders, and starting to downvote things. The Kadira section in Performance Tuning, for example.

Personally, I feel that an example with some text and a link to a blog/article should be enough to get accepted for review; but itā€™s totally legit to turn around and slap an improvement request to finish fleshing out the example. But I have a hunch that some people are going to get bent out of shape about using the examples as link-farm documentation, and instead just want them in the remarks; if at all.

Thoughts? @sashko? @serkandurusoy? @reoh?


According to the discussions over at meta, the essence of documentation and
bite sized information with very specific and concise examples accompanied
by a sentence or two at most. A link to an advanced documentation is also
encouraged, it seems.

But text without example code and even long text is discouraged.

So I guess link farms are not what this is meant for.

Apart from that, I wonder why that was downvoted. I wish downvotes would
include some form of feedback. It may be related to what Iā€™ve explained
above, though, since that example does not exactly fit the description of
an ā€œexampleā€ within that context. Maybe thatā€™s why downwoted by whomever it

BTW, I kind of intended to migrate some parts from the cookbook the
otherway, but then I thought maybe it should be you who enters the first
draft for proper attribution.

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I think itā€™s fine for the initial process; weā€™re just getting started & still figuring things out, after allā€¦

The placeholders will help to track what information is missing/needs to be improved.

Improvements can be added over time.

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I took a look through the meta threads yesterday, and I donā€™t even have words.

All I want to do is migrate the old Cookbook to a platform where the Meteor community can start taking care of it and I can be done with it and go to graduate school. Whatever the fsck that is going on over at metaā€¦ I canā€™t even with whatever theyā€™re ranting about reputation systems.

Now that Iā€™ve slogged through all of that, hereā€™s my takeaway:

  • They seem happy to repurpose the Q/A thread format into a chat forum in meta, so I donā€™t think thereā€™s any strict hard-and-fast rule against doing text/link farm articles.

  • If we slap a ā€˜Needs Improvementā€™ tag on articles without examples as soon as theyā€™re accepted, and donā€™t let them just sit around unattended, I think that will get people focused on contributing improvements rather than downvotes.

  • Nonetheless, it appears we should avoid linkfarm articles if possible. So, Iā€™ve started separating those articles into their own queue, and will upload them last. And there will probably be maybe two or three link farm Topicsā€¦ Architecture, Design, and Styleguide maybe?

  • Iā€™m through most of the basic tutorialā€™s from the Cookbook that were written by me. With the exception of the Collections and Nightwatch topics, feel free to pick up topics from the cookbook and migrate them over.

  • Donā€™t worry too much about attribution or reputation on my part at this point. StackOverflow reputation points really arenā€™t my motivation in this process. Mostly, the Cookbook is something of a junkyard of code, and I just wanted to go through and prep things so people didnā€™t get derailed on a thought-piece article, or clinical examples, or old Spark documentation, and then start criticizing and attacking me.

THANK YOU for your help @reoh. Youā€™ve been awesome in this process, helping just get this stuff uploaded in without blocking on each item. Thank you for the tag-team collaboration.


No problem, happy to help :slight_smile:

Good idea!


Looks like weā€™re getting a bit backlogged - 9 topic requests, 6 proposed changes, all made more than 17 hours ago. Could someone take a look? Letā€™s keep the documentation momentum going - thanks!

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Was busy yesterday, just cleared up the latest set of changes :slight_smile:


Okay, just published three more articles on testing and continuous integration. Two more topics (on packages) and Iā€™m calling it a wrap and the Cookbook will be officially migrated and deprecated.


Thanks for doing this Abigail! Hopefully, it makes this content easier to maintain, and for people to contribute to.


Eh. Maybe. I have decidedly mixed feelings about how Stackoverflow is going about this feature rollout. But whatevs. Except for those two articles, itā€™s off my plate. If anybody wants to assume editorial responsibilities, have at it.