@sashko I think what @awatson1978 is referring to is - since there is only one topic awaiting review - this one
I am sad that I am participating in this conversation but I honestly cannot get over this, especially since it is coming from you @awatson1978 whom I have nothing but high respect for. You were one of the people who inspired me to have a change of career, build trust and respect for a technical community and do my best to pass that torch on to others.
I wish we had this conversation in private, but as I said, since it is out in the open, and that said topic is indeed the only one sitting there, I cannot let this go like this.
Let me first, apologize to you, sincerely, if my comments made you feel the way you did. They certainly were not meant to be as such, in fact I was thinking - still am - that I was as constructive and respectful as anyone - critiqueing peer work - can get.
I thought I did offer my thoughts on in which way I beleived those pieces of documentation were less than perfect and how they could have been improved. But I do admit that I would have done a better job conveying that message had it not been for the nature of stack overflow with comments being tight in space, encouraging comments to be as succint as possible.
I also thought, by not rejecting them, I made it even clearer that I did agree with the overall content and just hoped for it to be clearer in parts I thought I explained were not.
And I could not bring myself to approve them - regardless of the respect I have for you and my appreciation for the overall message - either, since that would have been somewhat against my own principles, approving something that I don’t quite agree with, that is.
Anyway, they are there for anyone interested to approve as is.
I’d also like to apologize to everyone for setting the course of this topic somewhat off. But I hope it can serve as a means to a discussion on how we can - as a truly great and inspiring community - use stack overflow documentation in better ways and perhaps even foster our own code of documentation conduct.
Finally, thank you again @awatson1978 for taking the time to even attempt to copy over years of work, it is a huge undertaking and I hope you don’t get discouraged by this disagreement we had.
