Unable to install ndev:mfa

Hi all,

i’m running the latest Meteor 2.5, and i’m trying to install an atmosphere package ndev:mfa
via the meteor add ndev:mfa, but bumped into this error on the terminal:

 => Errors while adding packages:             
While selecting package versions:
error: Conflict: Constraint accounts-base@1.4.3 is not satisfied by
accounts-base 2.2.0.
Constraints on package "accounts-base":
* accounts-base@2.2.0 <- top level
* accounts-base@~2.2.0 <- top level
* accounts-base@2.2.0 <- service-configuration 1.3.0
* accounts-base@2.2.0 <- accounts-password 2.2.0
* accounts-base@1.7.1 || 2.0.0 <- alanning:roles 3.4.0
* accounts-base@2.0.0 <- accounts-google 1.4.0
* accounts-base@2.1.0 <- accounts-oauth 1.4.0 <- accounts-google 1.4.0
* accounts-base@1.7.1 || 2.0.0 <- matb33:collection-hooks 1.1.0
* accounts-base@1.4.3 <- ndev:mfa 0.1.2

Not sure what’s happening here. Anyone can help?