What is Meteor missing?

If there were funding, I’d be more than happy to spend more time on developing Atom packages.

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so happy thanks mr @debergalis !

Perhaps donations would work. Or maybe a collaboration with the hundreds of Meteor consulting shops out there, so that everyone can increase their productivity by collaborating on a good tool? In that case, it directly will save people money on development time, so donating time and money would make a ton of sense.

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Meteor 1.3 implements async/await with Fibers on the server with regenerator. I think keeping Fibers is good for backwards compatibility, although, if async/await becomes native in Node, then maybe it’d be nice to have a way to configure which implementation the server uses (if it isn’t the same one).


I would like the Angular2 tutorial “http://www.angular-meteor.com/angular2” updated and completed for Meteor 1.3.

Are any timelines available for this?


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Speaking of Angular…

What I think is missing is the feeling of integration between the Blaze&React communities and Angular community. I notice that Blaze and React communities stick much closer to each other, as if Angular was a social outcast of the Meteor world and I can guess that one of the culprits is a separate website for Angular-Meteor. Even in the new guide it gives off a feeling like “Huh? You’re an Angular guy? Get out of here, you’ve got your own website.”

Just because of the fact that Blaze and React stuff is kept together, people sticking to Blaze at least know what’s going on in React-Meteor and can help others or guide to right direction. But with Angular-Meteor, they don’t know how to answer even trivial questions, because without checking Angular-Meteor website frequently, you don’t know what’s going on there. Even I struggle with them though I’ve been using Angular before switching to Meteor.

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Not sure if you saw React Hotloading in native Meteor is ready (i.e. no webpack), i.e. unofficial react hotloading, today. It also sounds like official hotloading support is on the cards for after 1.3. Any discussion on the unofficial approach should be in that thread.

@zoltan @Urigo morechars

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Agree, and we’re very interested in fixing this. Angular 2 helps a lot, as it’s quite a bit more modular and aligned with current JS. There’s a lot to like about Meteor + Typescript + Angular 2.


And potentially even Meteor + Typescript + Angular 2 + Redux

@joecrocker we already have a version of Socially 2.0 (and 1.0) working with Meteor 1.3.

I haven’t updated the website because we haven’t shipped Meteor 1.3 yet and people are still using the tutorial on top of the current Meteor version.
Once Meteor 1.3 will be out, I will update the tutorial.
In the meantime, you can check out the code here - https://github.com/dotansimha/meteor-angular2.0-socially/tree/feature/meteor1.3

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So, as an Angular Meteor developer you have a tutorial in the form of Socially which is more deep than the current tutorials on the meteor.com.
That’s the reason I haven’t given up on those in favor of just the official Meteor resources.

My goal is to create something like Socially for Angular 2.0 and React on Meteor.com, then I will be happy to move everything to the official Meteor website (including screencast for each chapter and everything I’ve done on Socially)

We are discussing it internally when and how that will look.

My personal thoughts are to base it on RocketChat…

In the meantime, please let me know what resources are missing on Angular besides the fact it’s on a different website?


We are working on an official Typescript package - follow here: https://github.com/Urigo/angular2-meteor/issues/102

and already the Socially 2.0 tutorial uses Typescript not only on the client but also on the server.

About the data integration, there is already a very solid solution, but I would love to hear more ideas and improve that solution to keep being the best data integration in the Angular world…

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Is http://www.angular-meteor.com/ is developed and maintained by MDG? If this is the case - I believe it should be stopped. If it’s owned and developed by someone else - we can’t do anything :frowning:

@deligence1 actually, this website is maintained by @Urigo right above you. :slightly_smiling:

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Stopped and then what?

I believe that:


@Urigo - It’s a great plan. [quote=“Urigo, post:52, topic:19153”]
My goal is to create something like Socially for Angular 2.0 and React on Meteor.com, then I will be happy to move everything to the official Meteor website (including screencast for each chapter and everything I’ve done on Socially)

Aside from committing to adopting emerging JS ecosystem standards faster, I vote for code-splitting. Right now I believe meteor build creates a monolithic js bundle with everything. This makes no sense for large apps.

Hot code push also important, but this is more along the line of “developer experience”… and after all there’s webpack and another third party package that are tackling this problem.


Awesome! Thanks for the update Urigo!