April 2, 2015, 8:21pm
What’s the use case for addedBefore and movedBefore? (Once the client has the data it can order the collections however it wants)
# DDP Specification
DDP is a protocol between a client and a server that supports two operations:
* Remote procedure calls by the client to the server.
* The client subscribing to a set of documents, and the server keeping the
client informed about the contents of those documents as they change over
This document specifies the version "1" of DDP. It's a rough description of
the protocol and not intended to be entirely definitive.
## General Message Structure:
DDP may use either SockJS or WebSockets as a lower-level message transport. (For
now, you connect via SockJS at the URL `/sockjs` and via WebSockets at the URL
`/websocket`. The latter is likely to change to be the main app URL specifying a
WebSocket subprotocol.)
DDP messages are JSON objects, with some fields specified to be EJSON. Each one
This file has been truncated. show original
I don’t know the specifics with javascript but some languages have specific utilities for sorted sets/lists where you can access by the index and gain significant performance advantage along with the type safety of the original message stream.
So it may make sense for DDP client development in the general sense.