Who maintains the fortawesome:fontawesome package on Atmosphere?

I’d like to use Fontawesome 4.3, but what looks like the official package is stuck at 4.2.
I asked Dave Gandy but he did not produce the Meteor package.
Who did then? And where is the source code?

it states 4.3 https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/

Yeah, but check out the “history” card to the right in Atmosphere, says 4.2

you could fork the project then and send a pr to thee guy

I’d love nothing more than “forking the project” if only I knew where it resides!
Any idea? (Again, not talking about fontawesome itself but the Meteor package.)

I posted the github repo link earlier, this what you could fork, check the snapshot on the right:

The problem is, there is nothing in that repository that even remotely points to a meteor package.

All we need to do is update a package.js file and publish it to atmosphere.

But the problem is, package.js is not there in that repository. And who’s going to publish it anyway?

Editing the js and publishing it will take around 30 seconds. So what’s the hold up?

This is the repo for the package: https://github.com/MeteorPackaging/Font-Awesome

Oh! So this is not offical and the github link on atmosphere is misleading/wrong. Right?

You’re right. This is unfortunate because the name suggests it’s official,
as does the documentation.

This is a question for Dan Dascalescu, but I don’t know his forum handle.

Wow this is awkward lol.

ping @dandv somechars

But the problem is, package.js is not there in that repository.

See http://autopublish.meteor.com/ along with step-by-step guide for how publishing a repo might work without package.js.

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Yes, the state of the Font Awesome page was ironic, given that I’ve been the one promoting proper packaging of 3rd party libraries.

Sorry about that. Font Awesome fell through the cracks during the transition from manual publishing to autopublish. The situation is fixed now, and thanks for the ping:


And yes, it’s official. The GitHub repo link was fixed too. (Cut us some slack, it happens in higher circles too ;))

Anyway, I took this opportunity to finalize a new approach for autopublishing, likely the final word in wrapping and autopublishing 3rd party libraries (thanks again to @splendido for creating autopublish!)


Amazing work @dandv thanks!

Nice, thanks. It’s nice to see these huge projects make their way on Atmospherejs.com in an official way.

I eventually had time to bump fortawesome:fontawesome package to the latest version.

Standing at official sources we’ll have to wait version 5.0.0 to get a complete meteor integration directly into the source of FA.

In the meanwhile, autopublish.meteor.com might be completed (depending on spare time…) to automatically wrap the new version at every new release.
Differently it’s now very easy to publish a new wrapped version, it’s just a matter of a couple of minutes: I’ll try to keep an eye on it.