@mitar, @aadams, @seeekr, @camiel, @robfallows, @mizzao, @vioan and anyone else interested
Sorry to bother but in looking around I’ve seen your names pop up related to WYSIWYG editors and was hoping to have a discussion about collaborative editing.
Have any of you solved or have any ideas on how one would solve the issues that could come up when multiple users could potentially edit the same document simultaneously.
I know Operational Transform or some other type of CRDT implementation that interfaces to an editor would be the holy grail. Looking around though almost none of the common WYSIWYG editors could even support this. Solutions like Etherpad basically need to be implemented outside of Meteor and I’d imagine it would be a rough road to figure out how to get the two to interact seamlessly. Sharejs is good for plain text but there is a bunch of work to get it to support Rich Text. Prosemirror seems like it could have a promising future but is still very early in development.
Having said that I think in the short term just having something that is merely better than last write wins would be a step in the right direction. Maybe some type of automatic locking mechanism. Maybe new version exists notifications with the option to diff and merge. Maybe some combination.