Saas Mastermind Group

Hey Ho! Great stuff - I’ll get in touch via skype!

SaaS developer reporting I’m interested. Skype name Redroest

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Interested. My Meteor-based SaaS is a music-practice tool called Strum Machine. I launched May 2016. The basic product is solid but marketing, onboarding, devops, etc have room for improvement, and I’m a one-man band with this so mastermind would be cool. Also, I am a musician too. :slight_smile:

Btw I have to give a shout-out to Fizzle for small-business training and community. They are awesome. (Not currently a member but I probably should join again.)

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Guys, this is awesome! I’ll get in touch with you via Skype…

And not one of you promoted - at least referenced with a url - their SaaS product… :thinking: Might as well change the name to saas shymind group :sunglasses:

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@serkandurusoy Well for me I can say that I totally understand why people do NOT initially share the url / business in a public discussion like this. Though I am totally willing to share it in a private mastermind-group under the conditions written above. This post here explains the mindset a bit

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Huh, I’d assumed “hey my name is foo and my saas is bar and I’d like to join the group” would indeed be at least marginally beneficial, through exposure, to the product unless it was in stealth mode. But that being said, I do agree that there might be valid reasons to keep that secret. Nonetheless, you guys should not shy away from promoting your products if that’s what’s going on :wink: In fact you should be proud!


In my case, there’s no reason to keep it a secret so I edited my post. My SaaS is Strum Machine.

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hey I’m down to Mastermind! My SaaS is Focuster.

ps @banjerluke I also live in Santa Cruz! Small world :wink:

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Hey @banjerluke I spent a couple of months last year working on something that’s marginally similar which involved parsing muicxml and displaying it in a custom strumming pattern notation, you can view it at by clicking on one of the songs and scrolling down, for example california dreaming before which I had experimented with a canvas based editor for musicxml. You should check out the uberchord app which is consistently a staff pick or recommended app on apple store. You can perhaps ping them for some collaboration to create some win win scenario.

@hexsprite I love the design, I mean I L-O-V-E it! Also, automatic calendar rescheduling sounds like something most task/calendar apps hit and miss. Although honestly, prices are a little bit scary and I must admit the message around the cost of losing focus did not resonate with me, not that I don’t have that problem (who doesn’t?), but for some weird reason I left these feelings:

  • I don’t want to pay 200 usd every month to gain my focus back, I can do it without that kind of an expense
  • The 10usd version does not help anyway, because there is a 200 usd version which is the real deal, so I don’t want to pay 10 usd for something I can do on any other free task manager

Sounds like it could be interesting. We’ve got two SaaS in production and are based in Madrid. Maybe a private forum would be useful as well ?

ALSO: Not sure how well suited Skype is to handle the conference call of this size (unless they’ve improved it recently?). I’ve used quite a bit lately and it’s very convenient to just give people a URL they can click on and enter your conference room.

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Nice idea indeed! :wink: Vienna based SaaS right here (so german speaking :smiley:) - more info: Orderlion. I agree having some SaaS focused threads or even a whole forum, maybe a slack channel and all that sounds like a great idea, since all Meteor based SaaS products (will) face similar problems all the time. So count me in if you set something up and let me know how I can help. :slight_smile:

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Yeah - we should give a try. It looks very promising :grinning:

Sounds like a great idea! I am a 32 years old developer now and I have two commercial SaaS running with Meteor: an Internet of Things platform called aREST ( and SiteEngine (

I’d be really interested in such a mastermind, you can hit me up on Skype (marcolivier.schwartz) or via email:

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@hexsprite Small world indeed!

@serkandurusoy Very interesting! Thanks for sharing. Say, do you know anything about how they navigated the copyright issues around sharing lyrics and songs – did they get permission or licensing, or is it not as risky to “just do it” as I think? I’ve always wondered about this but didn’t know who to ask. If you know about this topic and felt inclined to share what you knew, I would be very interested. Just putting it out there. :slight_smile:

I think knowledge should be shared not kept in private groups. I would be open to the idea where you actually share the insights in the group.


Hey @banjerluke there are licensing issues which you need to solve working with an appropriate licensor like a large music distributer company or any other similar rights holder.

It would involve some form and amount of payment of course and the need for you to track and report actual usage of the content.

The technical requirements are not tricky and afaik the big name rights holders already have established legal groundwork to enable sites/apps like yours to work legally.

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I am interested too. We are currently working in a SaaS App based on Meteor. My Skype id is sanjay.deligence

I’m in! filipenevola on skype.

I’m not using Skype at all, what do you think about create a Slack since the beginning?

We have SaaS product called STPPEIFY built on Meteor in production. This is a product for Schools. We are based out of Bangalore India. We would be interested to be part of the group.