What's left until an official Meteor 3.0?

Mostly via langchain.js, which requires Node v18. Once we were able to run Meteor on Node 18, everything mostly fell into place and it was basic app developing using an external API. Given langchain’s predominance in the LLM space, I suspect Meteor v3 is going to be remembered as the version where AI/LLM support was added.


I just tried to create an application with FlowRouter and blaze in beta 3.0, but it doesn’t seem to work yet, has anyone tried it yet?

Likely, it is pulling an old version of FlowRouter and possibly an old BlazeLayout version also. For the latter, and other few packages, see my post here Looking for help migrating packages to Meteor 3.0 - #29 by illustreets. They all have pull requests submitted, you might want to clone locally those PRs until the maintainers merge them.

We should be able to help more if you paste the log here.


I have just tried.

Make sure you use :


Then you have to clone the package and remove this line :

api.versionsFrom(['1.4', '3.0-beta.0']);

And it works


Thank you both for your answers.

1 Like

Me again :slight_smile:

Has anyone already made alanning:roles work?
is there a newer version than 3.6.2?

No 3.6.2 is the latest one. There will be v4, which will remove sync api from the server. Other than that 3.6.2 is compatible with Meteor 3.

Ok but…
So why do I get these errors when I try to update?

error: Conflict: Constraint accounts-base@2.2.4 is not satisfied by accounts-base 3.0.0-beta300.6.
Constraints on package “accounts-base”:

  • accounts-base@2.2.4 ← alanning:roles 3.6.2

Conflict: Constraint mongo@1.16.0 is not satisfied by mongo 2.0.0-beta300.6.
Constraints on package “mongo”:

  • mongo@1.16.0 ← alanning:roles 3.6.2

Conflict: Constraint blaze@2.7.1 is not satisfied by blaze 3.0.0-alpha300.17.
Constraints on package “blaze”:

  • blaze@2.7.1 ← alanning:roles 3.6.2

When you update and there’s conflicts you can use the exclamation prefix like so: alanning:roles@3.6.2! in .packages

1 Like

I cloned the github repo,
commented out the line api.versionsFrom(['2.8.0'])
and changed the line

api.use(['blaze@2.7.1'], 'client', { weak: true })
api.use(['blaze@3.0.0-alpha300.17'], 'client', { weak: true })

and it works, thanks


We’ll be releasing a beta version soonish which will resolve these issues.


Updates about the first Meteor 3.0 RC Release:

Due to some roadblocks, our ETA for the RC Release has been postponed to 19th April.

These are the tasks for the first RC:

Estimated Release Dates

  • Last Meteor 3.0 Beta: March 26, 2024 - meteor update --release 3.0-beta.7
  • First Meteor 3.0 RC: April 19, 2024
  • Meteor 2.16: We plan to start working on a release after the first RC

You can follow the updates on What’s left until an official Meteor 3.0? Discussion, and on the Release 3.0 PR.


It is time for a Weekly update :tada: :comet:

We are proud to say that we have the first Release Candidate for Meteor 3.0 :star_struck::partying_face:
You can check more details about it here.

The priority of the next RC will be to review and fix issues with Cordova’s experience.

Next Releases:

  • Meteor 2.16 [PR]
    • We plan to release it by the end of this week.
  • Meteor 3.0 RC (next): May 3, 2024.
    • The plan is to have a new release candidate every 2 weeks.

You can follow the updates on What’s left until an official Meteor 3.0? Discussion, and on the Release 3.0 PR.


It is time for a Weekly update :tada: :comet:

We are proud to say that we have the Release for 2.16 beta :star_struck::partying_face:
You can check more details about it here .

Tasks and fixes for the next Meteor 3.0 RC:

Next Releases:

  • Meteor 2.16 RC [PR]
    • We plan to release it early next week, probably Monday (May 6th).
  • Meteor 3.0 RC (next): Friday, May 3rd, 2024.
    • The plan is to have a new release candidate every 2 weeks.

You can follow the updates on What’s left until an official Meteor 3.0? Discussion, and on the Release 3.0 PR.


It is time for a Weekly update :tada: :comet:

We are proud to say that we have the Release for Meteor 3.0-rc.1 :star_struck::partying_face:
You can check more details about it here.

We also have the Meteor 2.16-rc.0 :star_struck::partying_face:
You can check more details about it here.

Tasks and fixes for the next 3.0 RC:

Next Releases:

  • Meteor 2.16 - Official [PR]
    • We plan to release it next week. Probably until May 14th.
  • Meteor 3.0 RC - next [PR]
    • Monday, May 20th, 2024.
    • The plan is to have a new release candidate every 2 weeks. Every Monday.
  • Meteor 3.0 - Official
    • We need your help testing the RC versions to make it more stable before the official release.

It is time for a Weekly update :tada: :comet:

We are proud to say that we have the Release for Meteor 2.16 official :star_struck::partying_face:
You can check more details about it here.

Next Releases:

  • Meteor 3.0 RC - next [PR]
    • Monday, May 20th, 2024.
    • The plan is to have a new release candidate every 2 weeks. Every Monday.
  • Meteor 3.0 - Official
    • We need your help testing the RC versions to make it more stable before the official release.
  • Meteor 2.X versions
    • We plan to hold off on releasing new Meteor 2.X versions for now to focus on the 3.0 releases.

It’s time for a weekly update :tada: :comet:
It’s been some time, but we are proud to say that we have the Release for Meteor 3.0-rc.2 :star_struck: :partying_face:

You can check here for more details.

Tasks and fixes for the next, and final until the official, Meteor 3.0 Release Candidate (rc.3):

Meteor 3-rc.3 is expected to arrive on Tuesday, June 11th, stay tuned.

Next Releases

  • Meteor 3.0 Official (July 8th, 2024) [PR]
  • Meteor 3.0.1 (July 22nd, 2024)
  • Meteor 3.0.2 (August 5th, 2024)

These dates are subject to change as we add or remove things from the backlog.


It’s time for a weekly update :tada: :comet:

We are proud to say that we have the Release for Meteor 3.0-rc.4 :star_struck: :partying_face:

You can check here for more details.

Tasks and fixes for the next, and official, Meteor 3.0 Release:

  • Ensure the documentation is up to date
  • Upgrade Node.js to v20.14
  • Improve package version resolution process
  • React Router SSR for Meteor 3
  • Remove pinned version of packages inside the skeletons
  • Add addEmailAsync alias
  • Incorrect Node.js version in Meteor 3 projects
  • Review Security Updates

Meteor 3.0 is expected to arrive on Tuesday, July 8th, stay tuned.

Next Releases

  • Meteor 3.0.1 (July 22nd, 2024)
  • Meteor 3.0.2 (August 5th, 2024)

These dates are subject to change as we add or remove things from the backlog.


Weekly Update June 28th, 2024 :tada: :comet:

So far we have released rc4 as we mentioned in our previous updates, and work is progressing well for our official Meteor 3 release.

You can check here for more details about our last Release Candidate.

The backlog has evolved a little over the last days with some issues gaining priority, our most important ones are as follows:

  • Incorrect Node.js version in Meteor project if the meteor-tool is missing, this has gone up in priority but it’s extremely hard to solve, we have a path forward but have some loose ends we need to account for, some tests on Windows are failing at the moment
  • The method call order when Meteor goes back from offline and authentication
  • Finding a replacement for @vlasky/whomst since it depends on a package called posix which builds a binary and breaks on some installations

We also confirmed that Cordova is working completely fine, this was done by @nachocodoner, one of our developers with the most expertise in that area.

We are also revamping the documentation and researching ways to simplify the mechanics for call and callAsync, we have @denyhs at this forefront and also huge help from @zodern . The goal is to make Meteor have the best Developer Experience as possible and the migration as simple as possible too.

Other tasks and fixes for the next, and official, Meteor 3.0 Release:

  • Unable to run bundle from “meteor build”
  • Ensure the documentation is up to date
  • Upgrade Node.js to v20.14
  • Improve package version resolution process
  • React Router SSR for Meteor 3
  • Remove pinned version of packages inside the skeletons
  • Add addEmailAsync alias
  • Incorrect Node.js version in Meteor 3 projects
  • Review Security Updates
  • Rename or remove asyncLocalStorage global
  • Verify tinytest major version increase

Meteor 3.0 is expected to arrive on Monday, July 8th or 15th at the most

Next Releases

  • Meteor 3.0.1 (July 22nd, 2024)
  • Meteor 3.0.2 (August 5th, 2024)

These dates are subject to change as we add or remove things from the backlog.


Weekly Update July 5th, 2024 :tada: :comet:

So far we have released rc4 as we mentioned in our previous updates, and work continues progressing well for our Meteor 3 official release.

You can check here for more details about our last Release Candidate.

We have launched our Meteor Lounge Discord server, you read more about it here.

Today we have successfully hosted our first Community Call where many amazing people joined like @storyteller @copleykj, to name just a few! We are going to host these regularly, the time is still to be defined. If you have any suggestions please reply below.

Join Meteor Lounge

Tasks and fixes for the next, and official, Meteor 3.0 Release:

  • Incorrect Node.js version in Meteor 3 projects
  • Find alternative and remove dependencies which hold the posix package
  • Check Fix handling unexpected errors during build and merge it
  • Unable to run bundle from “meteor build”
  • Deprecate Meteor.call for async methods
  • Review and update documentation for callAsync
  • Make sure Cordova is working well (native build)
  • Replace docs page for Meteor 3 with a link to the ad hoc docs for the migration
  • Fix how to compare constraints version when publishing a package
  • Check if TLA or require as promises is missing documentation
  • Update node version to latest v20
  • Rename or remove asyncLocalStorage global
  • Tinytest major version increased
  • Add addEmailAsync alias
  • Cannot create new project with meteor create my-react-app due to skeleton clone

Meteor 3.0 is expected to arrive from Monday, July 8th to July 15th at the most. Most likely sometime mid-week.

Next Releases

  • Meteor 3.0.1 (July 29th, 2024)
  • Meteor 3.0.2 (August 12th, 2024)

These dates are subject to change as we add or remove things from the backlog.